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* Project: CoreCms.Net *
* Web: https://CoreCms.Net *
* ProjectName: 核心内容管理系统 *
* Author: 大灰灰 *
* Email: JianWeie@163.com *
* CreateTime: 2020-03-14 16:30:32
* Description: 暂无
namespace CoreCms.Net.Configuration
/// <summary>
/// HTTP 返回格式状态码
/// </summary>
public static class GlobalStatusCodes
public const int Status100Continue = 100;
public const int Status101SwitchingProtocols = 101;
public const int Status102Processing = 102;
public const int Status200Ok = 200;
// 等等等等
public const int Status400BadRequest = 400;
public const int Status401Unauthorized = 401;
public const int Status402PaymentRequired = 402;
public const int Status403Forbidden = 403;
public const int Status404NotFound = 404;
public const int Status405MethodNotAllowed = 405;
public const int Status406NotAcceptable = 406;
public const int Status414RequestUriTooLong = 414;
public const int Status414UriTooLong = 414;
public const int Status415UnsupportedMediaType = 415;
public const int Status416RangeNotSatisfiable = 416;
public const int Status416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416;
public const int Status417ExpectationFailed = 417;
public const int Status418ImATeapot = 418;
public const int Status419AuthenticationTimeout = 419;
public const int Status421MisdirectedRequest = 421;
public const int Status422UnprocessableEntity = 422;
public const int Status423Locked = 423;
public const int Status424FailedDependency = 424;
// 等等等等
public const int Status500InternalServerError = 500;
public const int Status501NotImplemented = 501;
public const int Status502BadGateway = 502;
public const int Status503ServiceUnavailable = 503;
public const int Status504GatewayTimeout = 504;
public const int Status505HttpVersionNotsupported = 505;
public const int Status506VariantAlsoNegotiates = 506;
public const int Status507InsufficientStorage = 507;
public const int Status508LoopDetected = 508;
public const int Status510NotExtended = 510;
public const int Status511NetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511;