using System;
namespace UMC.Proxy
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
/// A executer for `cavif` which is a Encoder/converter for AVIF images.
/// Please have the native `cavif` libraries next to your application.
/// Grab prebuilt `cavif` from here:
public static class AvifConverter
/// Converts PNG/JPEG to AVIF format.
public static Task EncodeImage(string imageFile, string outputImageFile = null, AvifConverterOptions options = null)
string converterPath = GetConverterPath();
string arguments = GenerateArgument(imageFile, outputImageFile, options);
return RunEncodeProcessAsync(converterPath, arguments);
private static string GenerateArgument(string imageFile, string outputImage = null, AvifConverterOptions options = null)
List list = new List(8);
if (options != null)
if (!options!.EmitMesage)
if (options!.Overwrite)
if (options!.Speed.HasValue)
list.Add("--speed " + options!.Speed.Value);
if (options!.Quality.HasValue)
list.Add("--quality " + options!.Quality.Value);
if (options!.ColorRgb == true)
list.Add("--color rgb");
if (options!.DirtyAlpha == true)
if (outputImage != null)
list.Add("-o \"" + outputImage + "\"");
list.Add("\"" + imageFile + "\"");
return string.Join(" ", list);
private static string GetConverterPath()
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
return ".\\native\\cavif.exe";
else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
return "./native/cavif";
else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX))
return "./native/cavif";
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
private static Task RunEncodeProcessAsync(string aviflibExe, string arguments)
TaskCompletionSource tcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
Process process = new Process
StartInfo = {
FileName = aviflibExe,
Arguments = arguments,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
CreateNoWindow = true
EnableRaisingEvents = true
process.Exited += delegate
string text = "";
while (!process.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
text = text + process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() + Environment.NewLine;
bool success = process.ExitCode == 0;
tcs.SetResult(new AvifConvertResult(success, text));
catch (Exception ex)
return Task.FromResult(new AvifConvertResult(success: false, ex.Message));
return tcs.Task;
public class AvifConvertResult
public bool Success { get; }
public string Message { get; } = string.Empty;
public AvifConvertResult()
public AvifConvertResult(bool success)
Success = success;
public AvifConvertResult(bool success, string message)
Success = success;
Message = message;
/// Read more about options here:
public class AvifConverterOptions
/// Quality from 1 (worst) to 100 (best), the default value is 80. The numbers have different meaning than JPEG's quality scale. Beware when comparing codecs. There is no lossless compression support.
public int? Quality { get; set; }
/// Encoding speed between 1 (best, but slowest) and 10 (fastest, but a blurry mess), the default value is 4. Speeds 1 and 2 are unbelievably slow, but make files ~3-5% smaller. Speeds 7 and above degrade compression significantly, and are not recommended.
public int? Speed { get; set; }
/// Replace files if there's .avif already. By default the existing files are overwritten.
public bool Overwrite { get; set; } = true;
/// Preserve RGB values of fully transparent pixels (not recommended). By default irrelevant color of transparent pixels is cleared to avoid wasting space.
public bool? DirtyAlpha { get; set; }
/// Encode using RGB instead of YCbCr color space. Makes colors closer to lossless, but makes files larger. Use only if you need to avoid even smallest color shifts.
public bool? ColorRgb { get; set; }
/// Generate output message
public bool EmitMesage { get; set; }