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using Cosmos.Core;
using Cosmos.System;
using nifanfa.CosmosDrawString;
using System.Drawing;
namespace CosmosKernel1
class Dock
uint Width = 200;
uint Height = 30;
uint Devide = 20;
public void Update()
Width = (uint)(Kernel.apps.Count * Kernel.programlogo.Width + Kernel.apps.Count * Devide);
Kernel.vMWareSVGAII.DrawFillRectangle(0, 0, Kernel.screenWidth, 20, (uint)Kernel.avgCol.ToArgb());
string text = "PowerOFF";
uint strX = 2;
uint strY = (20 - 16) / 2;
Kernel.vMWareSVGAII._DrawACSIIString("PowerOFF", (uint)Color.White.ToArgb(), strX, strY);
if (Kernel.Pressed)
if (MouseManager.X > strX && MouseManager.X < strX + (text.Length * 8) && MouseManager.Y > strY && MouseManager.Y < strY + 16)
Kernel.vMWareSVGAII.DrawFillRectangle((Kernel.screenWidth - Width) / 2, Kernel.screenHeight - Height, Width, Height, (uint)Kernel.avgCol.ToArgb());
for (int i = 0; i < Kernel.apps.Count; i++)
Kernel.apps[i].dockX = (uint)(Devide / 2 + ((Kernel.screenWidth - Width) / 2) + (Kernel.programlogo.Width * i) + (Devide * i));
Kernel.apps[i].dockY = (uint)(Kernel.screenHeight - Kernel.programlogo.Height - Devide / 2);
Kernel.vMWareSVGAII.DrawImage(Kernel.programlogo, (int)Kernel.apps[i].dockX, (int)Kernel.apps[i].dockY);