diff --git a/proposed/2022/cpm-dotnet-cli-add-package-support.md b/proposed/2022/cpm-dotnet-cli-add-package-support.md
index 5ec86a7..24cc223 100644
--- a/proposed/2022/cpm-dotnet-cli-add-package-support.md
+++ b/proposed/2022/cpm-dotnet-cli-add-package-support.md
@@ -4,218 +4,148 @@
- Issue: [11807](https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/11807)
- Status: In Review
-## Problem Background
+## Summary
The dotnet add package command allows users to add or update a package reference in a project file through the Dotnet CLI. However, when this command is used in a project that has been onboarded to Central Package Management (CPM), it poses an issue as this error is thrown: `error: NU1008: Projects that use central package version management should not define the version on the PackageReference items but on the PackageVersion items: [PackageName]`.
-Projects onboarded to CPM use a `Directory.packages.props` file in the root of the repo where package versions are defined centrally. Ideally, when the `dotnet add package` command is used, the package version should only be added to the corresponding package in the `Directory.packages.props` file. However, currently the command attempts to add the package version to the `` in the project which conflicts with the CPM requirements that package versions must only be in the `Directory.packages.props` file.
-## Goals
-The main goal is to add support for `dotnet add package` to be used with projects onboarded onto CPM. Regardless of whether the package has already been added to the project or not, the command should allow users to add packages or update the package version in the `Directory.packages.props` file.
-## Customers
-Users wanting to use CPM onboarded projects and dotnet CLI commands.
-## Solution
-When `dotnet add package` is executed in a project onboarded to CPM (meaning that the `Directory.packages.props` file exists) there are a few scenarios that must be considered.
-| Scenario # | PackageReference exists? | Directory.Packages.Props file exists? | Is ManagePackageVersionsCentrally property set to true? | Is VersionOverride? | Current behavior | New behavior in dotnet CLI | In Scope |
-| ---- |-----| -----|-----|----------|----------|----------|----------|
-| 1 | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ (in Directory.Packages.Props or .csproj file) | ❌ | Restore failed with NU1008 error and NO edits were made to the csproj file (same in VS and dotnet CLI) | `PackageReference` should be added to .(cs/vb)proj file and `PackageVersion` should be added to the closest `Directory.Packages.Props` file | ✔️ |
-| 2 | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ in (cs/vb)proj file | ❌ | Restore failed with NU1008 error and NO edits were made to the csproj file (same in VS and dotnet CLI) | `PackageReference` and `Version` should be added to .(cs/vb)proj file.| ✔️ |
-| 3 | ❌ | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | `PackageReference` and `Version` added to .(cs/vb)proj file. | In addition to the current behavior `Directory.packages.props` file should be deleted if it exists in the project folder | ❌ |
-| 4 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | **dotnet CLI** - Restore failed with NU1008 error and NO edits were made to the csproj file. **VS** - Clicked on Update package in PM UI. New `PackageVersion` added to csproj file and `Directory.packages.props` file was not updated | No changes should be made to the `Directory.Packages.Props` file. Add `VersionOverride` attribute to the existing `PackageReference` item in .(cs/vb)proj file. If `VersionOverride` is already specified then the value should be updated.|✔️ [More Info](https://github.com/NuGet/Home/pull/11849#discussion_r890639808) |
-| 5 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | **dotnet CLI** - Restore failed with NU1008 error and NO edits were made to the csproj file. **VS** - Clicked on Update package in PM UI. New `PackageVersion` added to csproj file and `VersionOverride` in .csproj file was not updated | Update `VersionOverride` attribute value in the corresponding `PackageReference` item in .(cs/vb)proj file. | ✔️ |
-> [!NOTE]
-> Scenarios with multiple Directory.Packages.props are out of scope for now.
-### 1. The package reference does not exist
-If the package does not already exist, it should be added along with the appropriate package version to `Directory.packages.props`. The package version should either be the latest version or the one specified in the CLI command. Only the package name (not the version) should be added to `` in the project file.
-#### Before `add package` is executed
-The props file:
- true
-The .csproj file:
- net6.0
- enable
- enable
-#### After `add package` is executed
-`dotnet add ToDo.csproj package Newtonsoft.Json -v 13.0.1`
-The props file:
- true
-The .csproj file:
- net6.0
- enable
- enable
-In case there are multiple `Directory.packages.props` files in the repo, the props file that is closest must be considered.
- |-- Directory.Packages.props
- |-- Solution1
+The main goal is to add support for `dotnet add package` to be used with projects onboarded onto CPM. Regardless of whether the package has already been added to the project or not, the command should allow users to add packages or update the package version in the `Directory.Packages.props` file.
+## Motivation
+Projects onboarded to CPM use a `Directory.Packages.props` file in the root of the repo where package versions are defined centrally. Ideally, when the `dotnet add package` command is used, the package version should only be added to the corresponding package in the `Directory.Packages.props` file. However, currently the command attempts to add the package version to the `` in the project which conflicts with the CPM requirements that package versions must only be in the `Directory.Packages.props` file.
+Users wanting to use CPM onboarded projects and dotnet CLI commands will be benefited.
+## Explanation
+### Functional explanation
+When `dotnet add package` is executed in a project onboarded to CPM (meaning that the `Directory.Packages.props` file exists) there are a few scenarios that must be considered.
+| Scenario # | PackageReference exists? | VersionOverride exists? | PackageVersion exists? | Is Version passed from the commandline? | New behavior in dotnet CLI | In Scope |
+| ---- |----- | ----- | ---- |---- | ----- | ---- |
+| 1 | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | Add `PackageReference` to the project file. Add `PackageVersion` to the `Directory.Packages.Props` file. Use latest version from the package sources. | ✔️ |
+| 2 | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | Add `PackageReference` to the project file. Add `PackageVersion` to the `Directory.Packages.Props` file. Use version specified in the commandline. | ✔️ |
+| 3 | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | ❌ | Add `PackageReference` to the project file. No changes to the `Directory.Packages.Props` file. Basically we are reusing the version defined centrally for this package. | ✔️ |
+| 4 | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | Add `PackageReference` to the project file. Update `PackageVersion` in the `Directory.Packages.Props` file with the version specified in the commandline. | ✔️ |
+| 5 | ❌ | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | Not a valid scenario because a `VersionOverride` can't exist without `PackageReference`. | ❌ |
+| 6 | ❌ | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | Not a valid scenario because a `VersionOverride` can't exist without `PackageReference`. | ❌ |
+| 7 | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | Not a valid scenario because a `VersionOverride` can't exist without `PackageReference`. | ❌ |
+| 8 | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | Not a valid scenario because a `VersionOverride` can't exist without `PackageReference`. | ❌ |
+| 9 | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | Emit an error. (The other considered option was: Remove `Version` from `PackageReference`, Add `PackageVersion` to the `Directory.Packages.Props` file. Use `Version` from `PackageReference` if it exists otherwise use latest version from the package sources. However, this might require more user research.) | ✔️ |
+| 10 | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | Emit an error. (The other considered option was: Remove `Version` from `PackageReference`, Add `PackageVersion` to the `Directory.Packages.Props` file. Use `Version` passed in the commandline. However, this might require more user research.) | ✔️ |
+| 11 | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | ❌ | No-op. (The other considered option was: Update `PackageVersion` in the `Directory.Packages.Props` file, use latest version from the package sources. However, we decided it would be best to only update a version when the user explicitly passes in the commandline argument.) | ✔️ |
+| 12 | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | Update `PackageVersion` in the `Directory.Packages.Props` file, use version specified in the commandline. | ✔️ |
+| 13 | ✔️ | ✔️ |❌ | ❌ | No-op. | ✔️ |
+| 14 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | Update `VersionOverride` in the existing `PackageReference` item, use version specified in the commandline. | ✔️ |
+| 15 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | No-op. | ✔️ |
+| 16 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | Update `VersionOverride` in the existing `PackageReference` item, use version specified in the commandline. | ✔️ |
+### Technical explanation
+The `dotnet add [package]` command generates a `{projectName}.nuget.dgspec.json` file that that maintains a project's top-level dependencies along with other metadata for `PackageReference` style projects.
+- The `dgspec.json` file will have `centralPackageVersionsManagementEnabled` property set to `true` for projects onboarded onto CPM.
+- `dotnet add package` command currently access [`ProjectRestoreMetadata`](https://github.com/NuGet/NuGet.Client/blob/dev/src/NuGet.Core/NuGet.ProjectModel/ProjectRestoreMetadata.cs) to perform preview restore.
+- [`ProjectRestoreMetadata.CentralPackageVersionsEnabled`](https://github.com/NuGet/NuGet.Client/blob/dev/src/NuGet.Core/NuGet.ProjectModel/ProjectRestoreMetadata.cs#L119) flag will be accessed while executing `dotnet add package` command to verify if the project has onboarded onto CPM. If yes, the scenarios listed in the functional explanation will be handled accordingly.
+- Leverage the existing functionality in [`MSBuildAPIUtility.cs`](https://github.com/NuGet/NuGet.Client/blob/dev/src/NuGet.Core/NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat/Utility/MSBuildAPIUtility.cs) to modify the `PackageReference` items in project and `PackageVersion` items in the `Directory.Packages.Props` file.
+ Sample C# code snippet for working with MSBuild API to update the project and Directory.Packages.Props files
+ Thanks to [Jeff Kluge](https://github.com/jeffkl) for sharing this code snippet with us.
+ ```cs
+ Project project = new Project(@"D:\Samples\CentralPackageManagementExample\src\ClassLibrary1\ClassLibrary1.csproj");
+ string id = "Newtonsoft.Json2";
+ string version = "2.0.0";
+ // Find the last declared item with a matching the package ID
+ ProjectItem packageReference = project.Items.LastOrDefault(i => i.ItemType == "PackageReference" && i.EvaluatedInclude.Equals(id));
+ // Find the last declared item with a matching the package ID
+ ProjectItem packageVersion = project.Items.LastOrDefault(i => i.ItemType == "PackageVersion" && i.EvaluatedInclude.Equals(id));
+ // Add a item if one does not already exist
+ if (packageReference != null)
+ {
+ // Determine which to add to by searching for the first one available:
+ // Find the first in the project so we know what ItemGroup to add to
+ // -or-
+ // Use the first first ItemGroup
+ // -or-
+ // Add a new ItemGroup
+ ProjectItemGroupElement itemGroupElement = project.Xml.ItemGroups.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Items.Any(i => i.ItemType == "PackageReference"))
+ ?? project.Xml.ItemGroups.FirstOrDefault()
+ ?? project.Xml.AddItemGroup();
+ // TODO: Add the item in sorted order
+ // Add the item
+ itemGroupElement.AddItem("PackageReference", id);
+ // Save the main project
+ project.Save();
+ }
+ // Add a to Directory.Build.props if one does not already exist
+ if (packageVersion == null)
+ {
+ // Technically the Directory.Package.props path is stored in an MSBuild property
+ string directoryPackagesPropsPath = project.GetPropertyValue("DirectoryPackagesPropsPath");
+ // Get the Directory.Build.props
+ ProjectRootElement directoryBuildPropsRootElement = project.Imports.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ImportedProject.FullPath.Equals(directoryPackagesPropsPath)).ImportedProject;
+ // Get the ItemGroup to add a PackageVersion to
+ // Find the first that contains a
+ // -or-
+ // Find the first
+ // -or-
+ // Add an
+ ProjectItemGroupElement packageVersionItemGroupElement = directoryBuildPropsRootElement.ItemGroups.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Items.Any(i => i.ItemType == "PackageVersion"))
+ ?? directoryBuildPropsRootElement.ItemGroups.FirstOrDefault()
+ ?? directoryBuildPropsRootElement.AddItemGroup();
+ // Add a item
+ ProjectItemElement packageVersionItemElement = packageVersionItemGroupElement.AddItem("PackageVersion", id);
+ // Set the Version attribute
+ packageVersionItemElement.AddMetadata("Version", version, expressAsAttribute: true);
+ directoryBuildPropsRootElement.Save();
+ }
+ // Only update if it doesn't currently have the specified value
+ else if (!packageVersion.GetMetadataValue("Version").Equals(version))
+ {
+ // Determine where the item is decalred
+ ProjectItemElement packageVersionItemElement = project.GetItemProvenance(packageVersion).LastOrDefault()?.ItemElement;
+ if (packageVersionItemElement == null)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Failed to find item provenance");
+ }
+ // Get the Version attribute
+ ProjectMetadataElement versionAttribute = packageVersionItemElement.Metadata.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name.Equals("Version"));
+ if (versionAttribute != null)
+ {
+ // Set the Version
+ versionAttribute.Value = version;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Add the Version attribute
+ packageVersionItemElement.AddMetadata("Version", version, expressAsAttribute: true);
+ }
+ packageVersionItemElement.ContainingProject.Save();
+ }
+ ```
+## Unresolved Questions
+- Scenarios with multiple `Directory.Packages.props` are out of scope for now. In case there are multiple `Directory.Packages.props` files in the repo, the props file that is closest must be considered.
+ ```
+ Repository
|-- Directory.Packages.props
- |-- Project1
- |-- Solution2
- |-- Project2
-In the above example, the following scenarios are possible:
-1. Project1 will evaluate the Directory.Packages.props file in the Repository\Solution1\ directory.
-2. Project2 will evaluate the Directory.Packages.props file in the Repository\ directory.
-***Sourced from
-### 2. The package reference does exist
-If the package already exists in `Directory.packages.props` the version should be updated in `Directory.packages.props`. The package version should either be the latest version or the one specified in the CLI command. The `` in the project file should not change.
-#### Before `add package` is executed
-The props file:
- true
-The .csproj file:
- net6.0
- enable
- enable
-#### After `add package` is executed
-`dotnet add ToDo.csproj package Newtonsoft.Json -v 13.0.1`
-No changes should be made to the `Directory.Packages.Props` file. Add `VersionOverride` attribute to the existing `PackageReference` item in .(cs/vb)proj file. If `VersionOverride` is already specified then the value should be updated.
-The .csproj file:
- net6.0
- enable
- enable
-### 3. The package reference does exist with an VersionOverride
-If the package already exists in `Directory.packages.props` the version should be updated in `Directory.packages.props`. The package version should either be the latest version or the one specified in the CLI command. The `` in the project file should not change.
-#### Before `add package` is executed
- true
- true
-#### After `add package` is executed
-- No changes should be made to the `Directory.packages.props` file.
-- The version specified in the `VersionOverride` atribute value of `PackageReference` element in the project file should be updated.
-`dotnet add ToDo.csproj package Newtonsoft.Json -v 13.0.1`
- true
+ |-- Solution1
+ |-- Directory.Packages.props
+ |-- Project1
+ |-- Solution2
+ |-- Project2
+ ```
+ In the above example, the following scenarios are possible:
+ 1. Project1 will evaluate the Directory.Packages.props file in the Repository\Solution1\ directory.
+ 2. Project2 will evaluate the Directory.Packages.props file in the Repository\ directory.
+ Sourced from
+ Another potential solution would be to create a command line argument that takes in the `Directory.Packages.props` file's path that the user intends to update, rather than choosing the closest props file by deafult.
+- The absence of the `Directory.Packages.Props` file for CPM onboarded projects means that the project is not onboarded to CPM. As per [Jeff Kluge's](https://github.com/jeffkl) comment [on a GitHub issue](https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/11903#issuecomment-1161996051), `At this time, the customers must use a file named Directory.Packages.props or set an MSBuild property to indicate what file you want to use. Using other files and importing it manually is not a supported scenario.`. Therefore the tool will fall back to the current behavior that is adding/updating the `PackageReference` & `Version` in the project file.
+ - If a user wants to onboard to CPM, they will have to create the `Directory.Packages.Props` explicitly through a CLI commandline argument/CLI command or manually. This will ensure that the file is created in the intended location. In any case, the `Directory.Packages.Props` file will not be implicitly created for the user.
+- `dotnet add package` by design supports only `PackageReference` style projects. Hence `Packages.Config` style projects remain unsupported. If a user does try to use a `Packages.Config` style project with CPM, an error message should be displayed.