# Title: A human-readable title for this proposal ## Description: What is it? A concise, one-paragraph description of the proposal. ## Problem: What problem is this solving? A short background of the problem and how your solution will solve it. ## Why: How do we know this is a real problem and worth solving? A few details on why we're doing this, and what pain points this solves. Use real, concrete examples to make your case. ## Success: How do we know if we've solved this problem? A couple ways on how we might measure the success or outcome of this proposal. ## Audience: Who are we building for? A brief description to help everyone understand who this proposal is for. ## What: What does this look like in the product? A low-fidelity mockup or pseduocode that shows how this proposal would look. ## How: How should it be implemented? A design or implementation for bringing the proposal to life. ## When: When does this ship and what are the milestones? A timeline including ideal dates to ship the proposal & any key milestones (if any).