@echo off Echo Clear previously defined SearchServiceUrl and IndexBaseUrl. set SearchServiceUrl= set IndexBaseUrl= Echo. Echo Set the SearchService Url... set SearchServiceUrl=%1 if "%SearchServiceUrl%" == "" ( Echo Setting Search service base url to the default - http://nuget-int-0-v2v3search.cloudapp.net/ set SearchServiceUrl=http://nuget-int-0-v2v3search.cloudapp.net/ ) Echo The search service base Url was set to %SearchServiceUrl% Echo. Echo Set IndexBase Url... set IndexBaseUrl=%2 if "%IndexBaseUrl%" == "" ( Echo Setting IndexBaseUrl to the default - http://api.int.nugettest.org/v3-index/index.json set branch=http://api.int.nugettest.org/v3-index/index.json ) Echo The search service base Url was set to %IndexBaseUrl% Echo. exit /b 0