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category: Principles
order: 0
title: Introduction
9 years ago
“It is more difficult to find good design than bad ones. ” Because good design are so natural, it can help users to easily meet the targets, so that the users are not aware of the existence of good design.
9 years ago
After referring to the summary and reasoning of design principles from The Non-Designers Design Book” and “Designing Web Interfaces”, and combining with our practice and understanding of the team, we developed the following ten principles, which provide specific criteria and enlightenment of the solutions to problem for designers.
9 years ago
> Note: the design principle is the abstraction and summary of representational design. However, users perception of the entire product is from global aspect to local aspect. So it is not desirable to ignore the full picture and only use partial principles. For the design principles, designers should learn them rationally, and then abandon them bravely.
9 years ago
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<span class="resource-card-title">写给大家看的设计书</span>
<span class="resource-card-description">作者: Robin Williams</span>
<span class="resource-card-description">出版社: 人民邮电出版社</span>
9 years ago
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<span class="resource-card-title">Web 界面设计</span>
<span class="resource-card-description">作者: Bill Scott / Theresa Neil</span>
<span class="resource-card-description">出版社: 电子工业出版社</span>
9 years ago
#### Ant Design Principles
- [Proximity](/docs/spec/proximity)
- [Alignment](/docs/spec/alignment)
- [Contrast](/docs/spec/contrast)
- [Repetition](/docs/spec/repetition)
- [Make it Direct](/docs/spec/direct)
- [Keep it Lightweight](/docs/spec/lightweight)
- [Stay on the Page](/docs/spec/stay)
- [Provide Invitation](/docs/spec/invitation)
- [Use Transition](/docs/spec/transition)
- [React Immediately](/docs/spec/reaction)