| type | The type of input. For a multi-line input, the 'textarea' value can be used. | string | 'text' or 'textarea' | 'text' |
| id | The identifier. | number or string | | |
| value | The content value. | any | | |
| defaultValue | The initial value. | any | | |
| size | The size of the input box. The implicit value is 'default'. Note: in the context of a form, the 'large' size is used. | string | {'large','default','small'} | 'default' |
| disabled | Tell if the input is disabled. | bool | | false |
| addonBefore | The label text displayed before (on the left side of) the input field. | node | | |
| addonAfter | The label text displayed after (on the right side of) the input field. | node | | |
| onPressEnter | The callback function that is triggered when pressing Enter key. | function(e) | | |
| autosize | Height autosize feature, available when type="textarea". | bool or object | `true` or `{ minRows: 2, maxRows: 6 }` | false |