Any data whose entries are defined in a hierarchical manner is fit to use this control. Examples of such case may include a corporate hierarchy, a directory structure, and so on.
| dropdownMatchSelectWidth | Determine whether the dropdown menu and the select input are the same width | boolean | true |
| dropdownStyle | To set the style of the dropdown menu | object | - |
| filterTreeNode | Whether to filter treeNodes by input value. The value of `treeNodeFilterProp` is used for filtering by default. | boolean\|Function(inputValue: string, treeNode: TreeNode) (should return boolean) | Function |
| getPopupContainer | To set the container of the dropdown menu. The default is to create a `div` element in `body`, you can reset it to the scrolling area and make a relative reposition. [example]( | Function(triggerNode) | () => document.body |
| labelInValue | whether to embed label in value, turn the format of value from `string` to `{value: string, label: ReactNode, halfChecked: string[]}` | boolean | false |
| multiple | Support multiple or not, will be `true` when enable `treeCheckable`. | boolean | false |
| placeholder | Placeholder of the select input | string | - |
| searchPlaceholder | Placeholder of the search input | string | - |
| showCheckedStrategy | The way show selected item in box. **Default:** just show child nodes. **`TreeSelect.SHOW_ALL`:** show all checked treeNodes (include parent treeNode). **`TreeSelect.SHOW_PARENT`:** show checked treeNodes (just show parent treeNode). | enum { TreeSelect.SHOW_ALL, TreeSelect.SHOW_PARENT, TreeSelect.SHOW_CHILD } | TreeSelect.SHOW_CHILD |
| showSearch | Whether to display a search input in the dropdown menu(valid only in the single mode) | boolean | false |
| size | To set the size of the select input, options: `large``small` | string | 'default' |
| treeCheckable | Whether to show checkbox on the treeNodes | boolean | false |
| treeCheckStrictly | Whether to check nodes precisely (in the `checkable` mode), means parent and child nodes are not associated, and it will make `labelInValue` be true | boolean | false |
| treeData | Data of the treeNodes, manual construction work is no longer needed if this property has been set(ensure the Uniqueness of each value) | array<{ value, title, children, [disabled, disableCheckbox, selectable] }> | \[] |
| treeDataSimpleMode | Enable simple mode of treeData.(treeData should like this: [{id:1, pId:0, value:'1', title:"test1",...},...], pId is parent node's id) | false\|Array<{ id: string, pId: string, rootPId: null }> | false |