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category: 十大原则
order: 0
subtitle: Introduction
title: 引言
9 years ago
我们借鉴了《写给大家看的设计书》、《Web 界面设计》对设计原则的总结和推理,并结合我们团队的实践和理解,制定了以下十大原则,为『设计者』提供解决具体问题的准则和启示。
> 注:设计原则是对具象设计的抽象和总结,然而产品是一个整体,用户对整个产品的认知也是从全局到局部,所以忽略全局,只在局部套用原则是不可取的。对于这些原则,『设计者』应当理性地学会它,而后勇敢地抛弃它。
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<span class="resource-card-content">
<span class="resource-card-title">写给大家看的设计书</span>
<span class="resource-card-description">作者: Robin Williams</span>
<span class="resource-card-description">出版社: 人民邮电出版社</span>
9 years ago
<a target="_blank" href="" class="resource-card">
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<span class="resource-card-title">Web 界面设计</span>
<span class="resource-card-description">作者: Bill Scott / Theresa Neil</span>
<span class="resource-card-description">出版社: 电子工业出版社</span>
9 years ago
9 years ago
#### Ant Design 十大设计原则
- [亲密性 Proximity](/docs/spec/proximity)
- [对齐 Alignment](/docs/spec/alignment)
- [对比 Contrast](/docs/spec/contrast)
- [重复 Repetition](/docs/spec/repetition)
- [直截了当 Make it Direct](/docs/spec/direct)
- [简化交互 Keep it Lightweight](/docs/spec/lightweight)
9 years ago
- [足不出户 Stay on the Page](/docs/spec/stay)
- [提供邀请 Provide Invitation](/docs/spec/invitation)
- [巧用过渡 Use Transition](/docs/spec/transition)
- [即时反应 React Immediately](/docs/spec/reaction)