import React , { PropTypes , Component } from 'react' ;
import GregorianCalendar from 'gregorian-calendar' ;
import CalendarLocale from 'rc-calendar/lib/locale/zh_CN' ;
import FullCalendar from 'rc-calendar/lib/FullCalendar' ;
import { PREFIX _CLS } from './Constants' ;
import Header from './Header' ;
function noop ( ) { return null ; }
function zerofixed ( v ) {
if ( v < 10 ) return '0' + v ;
return v + '' ;
class Calendar extends Component {
constructor ( props ) {
super ( ) ;
this . state = {
value : this . parseDateFromValue ( props . value || new Date ( ) ) ,
mode : props . mode ,
} ;
parseDateFromValue ( value ) {
const date = new GregorianCalendar ( ) ;
date . setTime ( value ) ;
return date ;
componentWillReceiveProps ( nextProps ) {
if ( 'value' in nextProps ) {
this . setState ( {
value : this . parseDateFromValue ( nextProps . value )
} ) ;
monthCellRender ( value , locale ) {
const prefixCls = this . props . prefixCls ;
const month = value . getMonth ( ) ;
return < div className = { ` ${ prefixCls } -month ` } >
< div className = { ` ${ prefixCls } -value ` } >
{ locale . format . shortMonths [ month ] }
< / div >
< div className = { ` ${ prefixCls } -content ` } >
{ this . props . monthCellRender ( value ) }
< / div >
< / div > ;
dateCellRender ( value ) {
const prefixCls = this . props . prefixCls ;
return < div className = { ` ${ prefixCls } -date ` } >
< div className = { ` ${ prefixCls } -value ` } >
{ zerofixed ( value . getDayOfMonth ( ) ) }
< / div >
< div className = { ` ${ prefixCls } -content ` } >
{ this . props . dateCellRender ( value ) }
< / div >
< / div > ;
setValue ( value ) {
if ( ! ( 'value' in this . props ) && this . state . value !== value ) {
this . setState ( { value } ) ;
this . props . onPanelChange ( value , this . state . mode ) ;
setType ( type ) {
const mode = ( type === 'date' ) ? 'month' : 'year' ;
if ( this . state . mode !== mode ) {
this . setState ( { mode } ) ;
this . props . onPanelChange ( this . state . value , mode ) ;
onPanelSelect ( value , e ) {
if ( e && e . target === 'month' ) {
this . forceUpdate ( ) ; // Because the fullcalendars'type will automaticlly change to 'date' when select month cell, but we didn't want this, so we force update view to get things right, since ours 'mode' would not change.
render ( ) {
const props = this . props ;
const { value , mode } = this . state ;
const { locale , prefixCls , style , className , fullscreen } = props ;
const type = ( mode === 'year' ) ? 'month' : 'date' ;
let cls = className || '' ;
if ( fullscreen ) {
cls += ( ' ' + prefixCls + '-fullscreen' ) ;
return (
< div className = { cls } style = { style } >
< Header
fullscreen = { fullscreen }
type = { type }
value = { value }
locale = { locale }
prefixCls = { prefixCls }
onTypeChange = { this . setType . bind ( this ) }
onValueChange = { this . setValue . bind ( this ) } / >
< FullCalendar
{ ... props }
type = { type }
prefixCls = { prefixCls }
showHeader = { false }
onSelect = { this . onPanelSelect . bind ( this ) }
value = { value }
monthCellRender = { this . monthCellRender . bind ( this ) }
dateCellRender = { this . dateCellRender . bind ( this ) } / >
< / div >
) ;
Calendar . propTypes = {
monthCellRender : PropTypes . func ,
dateCellRender : PropTypes . func ,
fullscreen : PropTypes . bool ,
locale : PropTypes . object ,
prefixCls : PropTypes . string ,
className : PropTypes . string ,
style : PropTypes . object ,
onPanelChange : PropTypes . func ,
value : PropTypes . instanceOf ( Date ) ,
} ;
Calendar . defaultProps = {
monthCellRender : noop ,
dateCellRender : noop ,
locale : CalendarLocale ,
fullscreen : true ,
prefixCls : PREFIX _CLS ,
onPanelChange : noop ,
mode : 'month' ,
} ;
export default Calendar ;