title: 所见即所得
date: 2023-05-10
author: zombieJ
zhihu_url: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/639266810
yuque_url: https://www.yuque.com/ant-design/ant-design/vhife82m442inpws
juejin_url: https://juejin.cn/post/7322296529783078949
interface StrProps {
value: string;
function MyStr({ value }: StrProps) {
return < div > {value}< / div > ;
< MyStr value = "Hello World" / > ;
毫无疑问,页面上就该展示 `Hello World` 。接着,我们加个范围限定:
interface StrProps {
value: string;
maxLen?: number;
< MyStr value = "Hello World" maxLen = {5} >
“显而易见”,既然有了 `maxLen` ,那么就应该显示 `Hello` 而非 `Hello World` 。
但是这种直觉的处理方式,却并不是所有情况下都是正确的。如果你使用原生的 input, 你就发现表现并不是这样的:
< input value = "Hello World" maxLength = {5} / >
< img height = "50" alt = "input limit" src = "https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/assets/5378891/31352b9b-6d68-4a42-832d-5a639fed80cc" >
按照标准描述,`maxLength` 只限制用户输入。这是标准错了吗?
> A form control maxlength attribute, controlled by the dirty value flag, declares a limit on the number of characters a user can input.
### “多此一举”
< Form >
< Form.Item label = "Name" name = "name" >
< Input / >
< / Form.Item >
< Form.Item label = "Price" name = "price" >
< InputNumber / >
< / Form.Item >
< / Form >
< img height = "160" alt = "Form" src = "https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/assets/5378891/f9ad7f13-d2bf-4537-9265-48789e2c4d0e" >
某天你的经理说,我们的商品价格按规定不能超过 99 元,你要直接在表单上做限制。这个改动并不难:
-- < InputNumber / >
++ < InputNumber max = {99} / >
< img height = "162" alt = "Form modify" src = "https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/assets/5378891/08d07ec2-7be8-45fa-b30b-51395252bcd0" >
### 所见即所得
在组件库层面,我们不能“推测”用户的使用场景,因而需要以最保守的方式实现边界场景的处理。但是同时我们其实可以做一些优化手段。比如说将限制设置到 Form.Item 的 `rules` 上,利用表单校验能力来做限制:
< img height = "160" alt = "Form rules" src = "https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/assets/5378891/52b35fb3-a800-447f-85b3-684d9a65c8d1" >
< img height = "40" alt = "InputNumber" src = "https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/assets/5378891/e14ab877-4778-49c7-af75-91e36e60ce0f" >
对于非输入型自定义组件,也可以考虑通过设计来提醒用户。比如说我们可以在展示组件上添加一个 Tooltip:
// Same demo we've seen before
< MyStr value = "Hello World" maxLen = {5} >
< img height = "90" alt = "Customize" src = "https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/assets/5378891/18b095c4-eee9-45df-aa05-b4f5c20c81f8" >
< img height = "40" alt = "Ellipsis" src = "https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/assets/5378891/24162b19-985c-4fc4-908a-cdddfc507fc9" >
### 总结
在进行组件研发时,需要慎重处理边界场景。在大型项目中,上游使用者可能并不知道你的内部逻辑是如何处理的。因而随着复杂度以及使用场景的增加,我们更加推荐对于默认行为总是选择保守的处理方式。而对于不满足需求的情况,可以通过 HOC 的形式或者是一些额外的 Props 配置来实现,以防止开发者在使用时有过多的约定而不知。