@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Hints is usually added in Input to help remind users, which can increase efficie
<imgclass="preview-img no-padding"src="https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/rmsportal/AUTvHOWDsCTgSojYrQms.png"description="You can put the short input tip below the input (as shorter than a sentense).">
<imgclass="preview-img no-padding"src="https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/rmsportal/AUTvHOWDsCTgSojYrQms.png"description="You can put the short input tip below the input (as shorter than a sentence).">
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ In view of the natural design principle, we do not recommend using Q version car
<imgclass="preview-img"alt="9 variants of common professioal character design" src="https://gw.alipayobjects.com/mdn/rms_08e378/afts/img/A*Zt7BSI2OL7gAAAAAAAAAAABkARQnAQ"/>
<imgclass="preview-img"alt="9 variants of common professional character design" src="https://gw.alipayobjects.com/mdn/rms_08e378/afts/img/A*Zt7BSI2OL7gAAAAAAAAAAABkARQnAQ"/>
Concurrently, we integrated emotions when designing the 9 common professional roles. Fusing some characteristics of the role while radiating vastly different personalities, meeting the needs of varies business requirements.
Our Gray Matter are wired to react to dynamic things like movement,shape change and colour change. Transitions smooth out the jarring world of the Web, making changes appear more natural. The main purpose for Transitions is to provide an engaging interface and reinforce communication.
Our Gray Matter are wired to react to dynamic things like movement,shape change and color change. Transitions smooth out the jarring world of the Web, making changes appear more natural. The main purpose for Transitions is to provide an engaging interface and reinforce communication.
- Adding: The added elements should inform the users how to use, and the modified elements should be recognized.
- Receding: The irrelevant page elements should be removed properly.