@ -104,10 +104,11 @@ Ant Design layout component if it can not meet your needs, you can use the excel
| offset | the number of cells to the left of the grid spacing, no cell in grid spacing | number | 0 |
| push | the number of cells that raster move to the right | number | 0 |
| pull | the number of cells that raster move to the left | number | 0 |
| xs | `<768px` and also default setting, could be a `span` value or a object contain above props | number\|object | - |
| sm | `≥768px`, could be a `span` value or a object contain above props | number\|object | - |
| md | `≥992px`, could be a `span` value or a object contain above props | number\|object | - |
| lg | `≥1200px`, could be a `span` value or a object contain above props | number\|object | - |
| xl | `≥1600px`, could be a `span` value or a object contain above props | number\|object | - |
The breakpoints of responsive grid follow [BootStrap 3 media queries rules](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.3/css/#responsive-utilities-classes)(not contain `occasionally part`).
| xs | `<576px` and also default setting, could be a `span` value or a object contain above props | number\|object | - |
| sm | `≥576px`, could be a `span` value or a object contain above props | number\|object | - |
| md | `≥768px`, could be a `span` value or a object contain above props | number\|object | - |
| lg | `≥992px`, could be a `span` value or a object contain above props | number\|object | - |
| xl | `≥1200px`, could be a `span` value or a object contain above props | number\|object | - |
| xxl | `≥1600px`, could be a `span` value or a object contain above props | number\|object | - |
The breakpoints of responsive grid extends from [BootStrap 4 media queries rules](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/layout/overview/#responsive-breakpoints)(not contain `occasionally part`).