@ -14,14 +14,7 @@ When data is in the form of dates, such as schedules, timetables, prices calenda
## API
**Note:** Part of the Calendar's locale is read from `value`. So, please set the locale of `moment` correctly.
// The default locale is en-US, if you want to use other locale, just set locale in entry file globally.
// import moment from 'moment';
// import 'moment/locale/zh-cn';
// moment.locale('zh-cn');
@ -51,3 +44,4 @@ When data is in the form of dates, such as schedules, timetables, prices calenda
## FAQ
- [How to use Calendar with customize date library like dayjs](/docs/react/replace-moment#Calendar)
- [How to set locale for date-related components](/components/date-picker/#Localization)