@ -227,23 +227,23 @@ describe('utils', () => {
it('should depracate typo icon name', () => {
it('should report an error when there are deprecated typos in icon names', () => {
const errorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {});
render(<Icon type="interation" />);
"Warning: [antd: Icon] Icon 'interation' is typo and depracated, please use 'interaction' instead.",
"Warning: [antd: Icon] Icon 'interation' was a typo and is now deprecated, please use 'interaction' instead.",
render(<Icon type="cross" />);
"Warning: [antd: Icon] Icon 'cross' is typo and depracated, please use 'close' instead.",
"Warning: [antd: Icon] Icon 'cross' was a typo and is now deprecated, please use 'close' instead.",
render(<Icon type="canlendar" theme="twoTone" />);
"Warning: [antd: Icon] Icon 'canlendar' is typo and depracated, please use 'calendar' instead.",
"Warning: [antd: Icon] Icon 'canlendar' was a typo and is now deprecated, please use 'calendar' instead.",
render(<Icon type="colum-height" />);
"Warning: [antd: Icon] Icon 'colum-height' is typo and depracated, please use 'column-height' instead.",
"Warning: [antd: Icon] Icon 'colum-height' was a typo and is now deprecated, please use 'column-height' instead.",