@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Some components use dynamic style to support wave effect. You can config `csp` p
| getPopupContainer | To set the container of the popup element. The default is to create a `div` element in `body` | function(triggerNode) | () => document.body | |
| getTargetContainer | Config Affix, Anchor scroll target container | () => HTMLElement | () => window | 4.2.0 |
| input | Set Input common props | { autoComplete?: string } | - | 4.2.0 |
| locale | Language package setting, you can find the packages in [antd/ es/locale](http://unpkg.com/antd/es /locale/) | object | - | |
| locale | Language package setting, you can find the packages in [antd/ lib/locale](http://unpkg.com/antd/lib /locale/) | object | - | |
| pageHeader | Unify the ghost of PageHeader, ref [PageHeader ](/components/page-header ) | { ghost: boolean } | true | |
| prefixCls | Set prefix className (cooperated with [@ant-prefix ](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/2c6c789e3a9356f96c47aea0083f5a15538315cf/components/style/themes/default.less#L7 )) | string | `ant` | |
| renderEmpty | Set empty content of components. Ref [Empty ](/components/empty/ ) | function(componentName: string): ReactNode | - | |