docs: add align prop description (#9749)

诸岳 7 years ago committed by Wei Zhu
parent f8f52b09be
commit aadba9b0e3

@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ One of the Table `columns` prop for describing the table's columns, Column has t
| fixed | Set column to be fixed: `true`(same as left) `'left'` `'right'` | boolean\|string | `false` |
| key | Unique key of this column, you can ignore this prop if you've set a unique `dataIndex` | string | - |
| render | Renderer of the table cell. The return value should be a ReactNode, or an object for [colSpan/rowSpan config](#components-table-demo-colspan-rowspan) | Function(text, record, index) {} | - |
| align | specify how content is aligned | 'left' \| 'right' \| 'center' | 'left' |
| sorter | Sort function for local sort, see [Array.sort]('s compareFunction. If you need sort buttons only, set to `true` | Function\|boolean | - |
| sortOrder | Order of sorted values: `'ascend'` `'descend'` `false` | boolean\|string | - |
| title | Title of this column | string\|ReactNode | - |

@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ const columns = [{
| fixed | 列是否固定,可选 `true`(等效于 left) `'left'` `'right'` | boolean\|string | false |
| key | React 需要的 key如果已经设置了唯一的 `dataIndex`,可以忽略这个属性 | string | - |
| render | 生成复杂数据的渲染函数,参数分别为当前行的值,当前行数据,行索引,@return里面可以设置表格[行/列合并](#components-table-demo-colspan-rowspan) | Function(text, record, index) {} | - |
| align | 设置列内容的对齐方式 | 'left' \| 'right' \| 'center' | 'left' |
| sorter | 排序函数,本地排序使用一个函数(参考 [Array.sort]( 的 compareFunction),需要服务端排序可设为 true | Function\|boolean | - |
| sortOrder | 排序的受控属性,外界可用此控制列的排序,可设置为 `'ascend'` `'descend'` `false` | boolean\|string | - |
| title | 列头显示文字 | string\|ReactNode | - |

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ export interface ColumnProps<T> {
key?: React.Key;
dataIndex?: string;
render?: (text: any, record: T, index: number) => React.ReactNode;
align?: 'left' | 'right' | 'center';
filters?: ColumnFilterItem[];
onFilter?: (value: any, record: T) => boolean;
filterMultiple?: boolean;
