It create a component that uses SVG sprites in essence.
The following options are available:
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| scriptUrl | The URL generated by []( project. | string | - |
| extraCommonProps | Define extra properties to the component | `{ [key: string]: any }` | {} |
The property `scriptUrl` should be set to import the svg sprite symbols.
See [ documents]( to learn about how to generate `scriptUrl`.
### Custom Svg Icon
You can import svg icon as an react component by using `webpack` and [`@svgr/webpack`]( `@svgr/webpack`'s `options` [reference](
@ -105,30 +132,3 @@ The following properties are available for the component:
| fill | Define the color used to paint the `svg` element | string | 'currentColor' |
| className | The computed class name of the `svg` element | string | - |
| style | The computed style of the `svg` element | CSSProperties | - |
### Custom Font Icon
We added a `createFromIconfontCN` function to help developer using their own icons deployed at []( in a convenient way.
> This method is specified for [](
const MyIcon = Icon.createFromIconfontCN({
scriptUrl: '//', // generated by