// Collect from `changelog.md` to get all components changelog import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import { globSync } from 'glob'; const output = '.dumi/preset'; // Collect components const componentNames = globSync( path .join(process.cwd(), 'components/!(version|icon|col|row)/index.zh-CN.md') .split(path.sep) .join('/'), ) .map((filePath) => filePath.replace(/\\/g, '/').match(/components\/([^/]*)\//)![1]) .filter((name) => name !== 'overview'); const camelComponentNames = componentNames.map((componentName) => componentName .split('-') .map((cell) => (cell.length <= 2 ? cell.toUpperCase() : cell[0].toUpperCase() + cell.slice(1))) .join(''), ); function fillComponentKey(componentName: string): RegExp[] { return [new RegExp(`(? = {}; camelComponentNames.forEach((name) => { componentNameMap[name] = [...fillComponentKey(name), 'Global:']; }); componentNameMap.ConfigProvider.push(...fillComponentKey('Wave')); componentNameMap.Grid.push(...fillComponentKey('Row')); componentNameMap.Grid.push(...fillComponentKey('Col')); componentNameMap.Message.push(...fillComponentKey('message')); componentNameMap.Notification.push(...fillComponentKey('notification')); // Collect misc. When ComponentName not match will fallback to misc const miscKeys = [ 'ComponentToken', 'Component Token', 'Design Token', 'MISC:', 'ๆ‚้กน๏ผš', 'antd', '@ant-design/cssinjs', '@ant-design/icons', 'rc-motion', ' IE ', 'reset.css', '๐Ÿ“–', '๐Ÿ› ', '๐Ÿ“ฆ', '๐ŸŒ', ' locale ', ' RTL ', ' { const missingChangelog: string[] = []; const miscChangelog: string[] = []; // Read & write components changelog function syncChangelog(sourceFile: string, targetFile: string) { const content = fs.readFileSync(sourceFile).toString(); // let lastGroup = ''; let lastVersion = ''; let lastReleaseDate = ''; // Split with lines const lines = content.split(/[\n\r]+/).filter((line) => line.trim()); // Changelog map const componentChangelog: Record< string, { version: string; changelog: string; refs: string[]; releaseDate: string; contributors: string[]; }[] > = {}; Object.keys(componentNameMap).forEach((name) => { componentChangelog[name] = []; }); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) { const line = lines[i]; // Skip for v5 release if (line === '## 5.0.0') { break; } // Get version if (line.startsWith('## ')) { lastVersion = line.replace('## ', ''); continue; } // Get release date const matchReleaseDate = line.match(/`(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})`/); if (matchReleaseDate) { lastReleaseDate = matchReleaseDate[1]; } // Get Contributor name const contributors: string[] = []; const usernameMatches = line.match(/\[@([^\]]+)\]/g); if (usernameMatches) { usernameMatches.forEach((match) => { const usernameMatch = match.match(/\[@([^\]]+)\]/); if (usernameMatch) { const username = usernameMatch[1]; contributors.push(username); } }); } // Start when get version if (!lastVersion) { continue; } // Group end if (line.startsWith('- ')) { // lastGroup = ''; } // Group check if (line.startsWith('- ') && lines[i + 1].startsWith(' - ')) { // lastGroup = line.replace('- ', ''); continue; } // Filter not is changelog if (!line.trim().startsWith('-') && !line.includes('github.') && !line.includes('img')) { continue; } // Collect Components let matched = false; const refs: string[] = []; let changelogLine = line.trim().replace('- ', ''); changelogLine = changelogLine .replace(/\[([^\]]+)]\(([^)]+)\)/g, (...match) => { const [, title, ref] = match; if (/\/(pull|issues|commit)\//.test(ref)) { refs.push(ref); } if (title && (title[0] === '#' || title[0] === '@')) { return ''; } return title; }) .trim(); Object.keys(componentNameMap).forEach((name) => { const matchKeys = componentNameMap[name]; if ( matchKeys.some((key) => { if (typeof key === 'string') { return line.includes(key); } return key.test(line); }) ) { componentChangelog[name].push({ version: lastVersion, changelog: changelogLine, refs, releaseDate: lastReleaseDate, contributors, }); matched = true; } }); if (matched) { continue; } // Misc if (miscKeys.some((key) => line.includes(key))) { miscChangelog.push(line); continue; } if (!matched) { console.log('๐Ÿšจ Miss Component:', line); missingChangelog.push(line); } } fs.writeFileSync(path.join(output, targetFile), JSON.stringify(componentChangelog), 'utf-8'); } syncChangelog('CHANGELOG.zh-CN.md', 'components-changelog-cn.json'); syncChangelog('CHANGELOG.en-US.md', 'components-changelog-en.json'); fs.writeFileSync( path.join(output, 'misc-changelog.json'), JSON.stringify(miscChangelog), 'utf-8', ); if (missingChangelog.length) { console.log('\nMISC key word should be:'); console.log(miscKeys.join(' , '), '\n'); throw new Error(`Component changelog miss match!`); } })();