--- order: 5 title: Customize Theme --- Ant Design allows to customize some basic design aspects in order to meet the needs of UI diversity from business and brand, including primary color, border radius, border color, etc. ![](https://zos.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/zTFoszBtDODhXfLAazfSpYbSLSEeytoG.png) ## Less variables We are using [Less](http://lesscss.org/) as the development language of style. A set of less variables are defined for each design aspect that can be customized to your needs. - [Default Variables](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/master/components/style/themes/default.less) Please report an issue if the existing list of variables is not enough for you. ## How to do it We recommend [modifyVars](http://lesscss.org/usage/#using-less-in-the-browser-modify-variables) to override the default values of the variables. There are two ways to achieve it in practice. You can use this [example](https://github.com/ant-design/antd-init/tree/master/examples/customize-antd-theme) as a playground. ### 1) Using 'theme' property in package.theme (recommended way) Specify the `theme` property in `package.json` file, whose value can be either an object or the path to a JS file that contains the custom values of specific variables: - example of directly specifying the custom values as an object: ```js "theme": { "@primary-color": "#1DA57A", }, ``` - example of specifying a [file path](https://github.com/ant-design/antd-init/blob/master/examples/customize-antd-theme/theme.js) to a JS file: ```js "theme": "./theme.js", ``` This approach is working only when using [atool-build](https://github.com/ant-tool/atool-build)(built in [antd-init](https://github.com/ant-design/antd-init) and [dva-cli](https://github.com/dvajs/dva-cli)). If you choose other boilerplates, you can write webpack config about [less-loader modifyVars](https://github.com/webpack/less-loader#less-options) like [atool-build ](https://github.com/ant-tool/atool-build/blob/a4b3e3eec4ffc09b0e2352d7f9d279c4c28fdb99/src/getWebpackCommonConfig.js#L131-L138) does. Note: - Importing style from less files is necessary. Please specify `style` option of `babel-plugin-import` to be `true`. - If you want to override `@icon-url`, the quotes must be contained in value like `"@icon-url": "'your-icon-font-path'"` ([A fix sample](https://github.com/visvadw/dvajs-user-dashboard/pull/2)). ### 2) Overriding Less variables (alternative way) Override variables via less definition files. Create a standalone less file like the one below, and import it in your project. ```css @import "~antd/dist/antd.less"; // import official less entry file @import "your-theme-file.less"; // override variables here ``` Note: This way will load the styles of all components, regardless of your demand, which cause `style` option of `babel-plugin-import` not working.