You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
69 lines
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69 lines
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import type { MenuRef as RcMenuRef } from 'rc-menu';
import { ItemGroup } from 'rc-menu';
import * as React from 'react';
import { forwardRef, useImperativeHandle, useRef } from 'react';
import type { MenuProps } from './menu';
import InternalMenu from './menu';
import { SiderContext } from '../layout/Sider';
import type { MenuTheme } from './MenuContext';
import MenuDivider from './MenuDivider';
import Item, { type MenuItemProps } from './MenuItem';
import SubMenu, { type SubMenuProps } from './SubMenu';
import type { ItemType, MenuItemType } from './hooks/useItems';
export type { MenuItemGroupProps } from 'rc-menu';
export type { MenuDividerProps } from './MenuDivider';
export type { MenuTheme, SubMenuProps, MenuItemProps, MenuProps };
export type MenuRef = {
menu: RcMenuRef | null;
focus: (options?: FocusOptions) => void;
type ComponentProps = MenuProps & React.RefAttributes<MenuRef>;
type GenericItemType<T = unknown> = T extends infer U extends MenuItemType
? unknown extends U
? ItemType
: ItemType<U>
: ItemType;
type GenericComponentProps<T = unknown> = Omit<ComponentProps, 'items'> & {
items?: GenericItemType<T>[];
type CompoundedComponent = React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<GenericComponentProps> & {
Item: typeof Item;
SubMenu: typeof SubMenu;
Divider: typeof MenuDivider;
ItemGroup: typeof ItemGroup;
interface GenericComponent extends Omit<CompoundedComponent, ''> {
<T extends MenuItemType>(props: GenericComponentProps<T>): ReturnType<CompoundedComponent>;
const Menu = forwardRef<MenuRef, MenuProps>((props, ref) => {
const menuRef = useRef<RcMenuRef>(null);
const context = React.useContext(SiderContext);
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
menu: menuRef.current,
focus: (options) => {
return <InternalMenu ref={menuRef} {...props} {...context} />;
}) as GenericComponent;
Menu.Item = Item;
Menu.SubMenu = SubMenu;
Menu.Divider = MenuDivider;
Menu.ItemGroup = ItemGroup;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
Menu.displayName = 'Menu';
export default Menu;