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import classNames from 'classnames';
import type { FlexProps } from './interface';
export const flexWrapValues: React.CSSProperties['flexWrap'][] = ['wrap', 'nowrap', 'wrap-reverse'];
export const justifyContentValues: React.CSSProperties['justifyContent'][] = [
export const alignItemsValues: React.CSSProperties['alignItems'][] = [
const genClsWrap = (prefixCls: string, props: FlexProps) => {
const wrap = props.wrap === true ? 'wrap' : props.wrap;
return {
[`${prefixCls}-wrap-${wrap}`]: wrap && flexWrapValues.includes(wrap),
const genClsAlign = (prefixCls: string, props: FlexProps) => {
const alignCls: Record<PropertyKey, boolean> = {};
alignItemsValues.forEach((cssKey) => {
alignCls[`${prefixCls}-align-${cssKey}`] = props.align === cssKey;
alignCls[`${prefixCls}-align-stretch`] = !props.align && !!props.vertical;
return alignCls;
const genClsJustify = (prefixCls: string, props: FlexProps) => {
const justifyCls: Record<PropertyKey, boolean> = {};
justifyContentValues.forEach((cssKey) => {
justifyCls[`${prefixCls}-justify-${cssKey}`] = props.justify === cssKey;
return justifyCls;
function createFlexClassNames(prefixCls: string, props: FlexProps) {
return classNames({
...genClsWrap(prefixCls, props),
...genClsAlign(prefixCls, props),
...genClsJustify(prefixCls, props),
export default createFlexClassNames;