# babelmark.github.io
This is the front-end website of powering [babelmark3](http://babelmark.github.io)
## Internals
The babelmark3 website is relying on the following services/libraries:
- [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com) for the templating
- [Github-Pages](https://pages.github.com/) for the hosting
- [Skeleton](http://getskeleton.com/) for the minimal CSS framework
- [JQuery](https://jquery.com/)
- [Prism](http://prismjs.com/) for the syntax highlighting
- [loader.io](http://loading.io/) for the spin icon
- [github-corners](https://github.com/tholman/github-corners) for the fresher "fork me on github"
- [github-markdown-css](https://github.com/sindresorhus/github-markdown-css) for rendering the results
## License
babelmark3 website by Alexandre Mutel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.