< a name = "3.7.3" > < / a >
## [3.7.3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.7.2...v3.7.3) (2017-05-22)
### Bug Fixes
* **render:** find => filter ([eca3368](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/eca3368))
< a name = "3.7.2" > < / a >
## [3.7.2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.7.1...v3.7.2) (2017-05-19)
< a name = "3.7.1" > < / a >
## [3.7.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.7.0...v3.7.1) (2017-05-19)
### Bug Fixes
* docsify-updated is undefined ([b2b4742](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/b2b4742))
< a name = "3.7.0" > < / a >
# [3.7.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.6.6...v3.7.0) (2017-05-16)
### Features
* add docsify-updated, close [#158 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/158 ) ([d2be5ae](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/d2be5ae))
* add externalLinkTarget, close [#149 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/149 ) ([2d73285](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/2d73285))
< a name = "3.6.6" > < / a >
## [3.6.6](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.6.5...v3.6.6) (2017-05-06)
### Features
* support query string for the search, fixed [#156 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/156 ) ([da75d70](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/da75d70))
< a name = "3.6.5" > < / a >
## [3.6.5](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.6.4...v3.6.5) (2017-04-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **util:** fix crash, fixed [#154 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/154 ) ([51832d3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/51832d3))
< a name = "3.6.4" > < / a >
## [3.6.4](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.6.3...v3.6.4) (2017-04-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **util:** correctly clean up duplicate slashes, fixed [#153 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/153 ) ([76c041a](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/76c041a))
< a name = "3.6.3" > < / a >
## [3.6.3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.6.2...v3.6.3) (2017-04-25)
### Bug Fixes
* **external-script:** script attrs ([2653849](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/2653849))
< a name = "3.6.2" > < / a >
## [3.6.2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.6.0...v3.6.2) (2017-04-12)
### Features
* **event:** Collapse the sidebar when click outside element in the small screen ([9b7e5f5](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/9b7e5f5))
* **external-script:** detect more than one script dom, fixed [#146 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/146 ) ([94d6603](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/94d6603))
< a name = "3.6.0" > < / a >
# [3.6.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.5.2...v3.6.0) (2017-04-09)
### Features
* **render:** add mergeNavbar option, close [#125 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/125 ), [#124 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/124 ) ([#145](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/145)) ([9220523](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/9220523))
< a name = "3.5.2" > < / a >
## [3.5.2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.5.1...v3.5.2) (2017-04-05)
< a name = "3.5.1" > < / a >
## [3.5.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.5.0...v3.5.1) (2017-03-25)
### Bug Fixes
* .md file extension regex ([594299f](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/594299f))
< a name = "3.5.0" > < / a >
# [3.5.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.4.4...v3.5.0) (2017-03-25)
### Bug Fixes
* adjust display on small screens ([bf35471](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/bf35471))
* navbar labels for German ([b022aaf](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/b022aaf))
### Features
* **route:** auto remove .md extension ([8f11653](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/8f11653))
< a name = "3.4.4" > < / a >
## [3.4.4](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.4.3...v3.4.4) (2017-03-17)
### Bug Fixes
* **search:** fix input style ([2d6a51b](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/2d6a51b))
< a name = "3.4.3" > < / a >
## [3.4.3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.4.2...v3.4.3) (2017-03-16)
< a name = "3.4.2" > < / a >
## [3.4.2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.4.1...v3.4.2) (2017-03-11)
### Features
* **emojify:** add no-emoji option ([3aef37a](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/3aef37a))
< a name = "3.4.1" > < / a >
## [3.4.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.4.0...v3.4.1) (2017-03-10)
### Bug Fixes
* **dom:** Disable the dom cache when vue is present, fixed [#119 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/119 ) ([b9a7275](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/b9a7275))
< a name = "3.4.0" > < / a >
# [3.4.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.3.0...v3.4.0) (2017-03-09)
### Features
* **zoom-image:** add plugin ([50fa6fc](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/50fa6fc))
< a name = "3.3.0" > < / a >
# [3.3.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.2.0...v3.3.0) (2017-03-07)
< a name = "3.2.0" > < / a >
# [3.2.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.1.2...v3.2.0) (2017-02-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **fetch:** load sidebar and navbar for parent path, fixed [#100 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/100 ) ([f3fc596](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/f3fc596))
* **render:** Toc rendering error, fixed [#106 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/106 ) ([0d59ee9](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/0d59ee9))
### Features
* **search:** Localization for no data tip, close [#103 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/103 ) ([d3c9fbd](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/d3c9fbd))
< a name = "3.1.2" > < / a >
## [3.1.2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.1.1...v3.1.2) (2017-02-27)
< a name = "3.1.1" > < / a >
## [3.1.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.1.0...v3.1.1) (2017-02-24)
### Bug Fixes
* **render:** custom cover background image ([8f9bf29](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/8f9bf29))
* **search:** don't search nameLink, fixed [#102 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/102 ) ([507d9e8](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/507d9e8))
* **tpl:** extra character, fixed [#101 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/101 ) ([d67d25f](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/d67d25f))
< a name = "3.1.0" > < / a >
# [3.1.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.0.5...v3.1.0) (2017-02-22)
### Bug Fixes
* **search:** incorrect anchor link, fixed [#90 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/90 ) ([b8a3d8f](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/b8a3d8f))
* **sw:** update white list ([f2975a5](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/f2975a5))
### Features
* **emoji:** add emoji plugin ([855c450](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/855c450))
< a name = "3.0.5" > < / a >
## [3.0.5](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.0.4...v3.0.5) (2017-02-21)
### Bug Fixes
* **event:** highlight sidebar when clicked, fixed [#86 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/86 ) ([2a1157a](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/2a1157a))
* **gen-tree:** cache toc list, fixed [#88 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/88 ) ([3394ebb](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/3394ebb))
* **layout.css:** loading style ([42b2dba](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/42b2dba))
### Features
* **pwa:** add sw.js ([f7111b5](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/f7111b5))
< a name = "3.0.4" > < / a >
## [3.0.4](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.0.3...v3.0.4) (2017-02-20)
### Bug Fixes
* **render:** disable rendering sub list when loadSidebar is false ([35dd2e1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/35dd2e1))
* **render:** execute script ([780c1e5](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/780c1e5))
< a name = "3.0.3" > < / a >
## [3.0.3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.0.2...v3.0.3) (2017-02-19)
< a name = "3.0.2" > < / a >
## [3.0.2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.0.1...v3.0.2) (2017-02-19)
### Bug Fixes
* **compiler:** link ([3b127a1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/3b127a1))
* **search:** add lazy input ([bf593a7](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/bf593a7))
< a name = "3.0.1" > < / a >
## [3.0.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v3.0.0...v3.0.1) (2017-02-19)
### Bug Fixes
* **route:** empty alias ([cd99b52](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/cd99b52))
< a name = "3.0.0" > < / a >
# [3.0.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v2.4.3...v3.0.0) (2017-02-19)
### Bug Fixes
* **compiler:** link ([c7e09c3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/c7e09c3))
* **render:** support html file ([7b6a2ac](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/7b6a2ac))
* **search:** escape html ([fcb66e8](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/fcb66e8))
* **search:** fix default config ([2efd859](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/2efd859))
### Features
* **front-matter:** add front matter[WIP] ([dbb9278](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/dbb9278))
* **render:** add auto header ([b7768b1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/b7768b1))
* **search:** Localization for search placeholder, close [#80 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/80 ) ([2351c3e](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/2351c3e))
* **themes:** add loading info ([86594a3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/86594a3))
< a name = "2.4.3" > < / a >
## [2.4.3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v2.4.2...v2.4.3) (2017-02-15)
< a name = "2.4.2" > < / a >
## [2.4.2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v2.4.1...v2.4.2) (2017-02-14)
### Bug Fixes
* **index:** load file path error ([dc536a3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/dc536a3))
< a name = "2.4.1" > < / a >
## [2.4.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v2.4.0...v2.4.1) (2017-02-13)
### Bug Fixes
* **index:** cover page ([dd0c84b](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/dd0c84b))
< a name = "2.4.0" > < / a >
# [2.4.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v2.3.0...v2.4.0) (2017-02-13)
### Features
* **hook:** add doneEach ([c6f7602](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/c6f7602))
< a name = "2.3.0" > < / a >
# [2.3.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v2.2.1...v2.3.0) (2017-02-13)
### Bug Fixes
* **event:** has no effect on a FF mobile browser, fixed [#67 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/67 ) ([0ff36c2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/0ff36c2))
* **render:** custom marked renderer ([bf559b4](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/bf559b4))
* **render:** fix render link ([a866744](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/a866744))
* **render:** image url ([6f87529](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/6f87529))
* **render:** render link ([38ea660](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/38ea660))
* **src:** fix route ([324301a](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/324301a))
* **src:** get alias ([784173e](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/784173e))
* **src:** get alias ([ce99a04](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/ce99a04))
* **themes:** fix navbar style ([fa54b52](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/fa54b52))
* **themes:** update navbar style ([4864d1b](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/4864d1b))
### Features
* **hook:** support custom plugin ([9e81a59](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/9e81a59))
* **src:** add alias feature ([24412cd](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/24412cd))
* **src:** dynamic title and fix sidebar style ([6b30eb6](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/6b30eb6))
< a name = "2.2.1" > < / a >
## [2.2.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v2.2.0...v2.2.1) (2017-02-11)
### Bug Fixes
* **event:** scroll active sidebar ([50f5fc2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/50f5fc2))
* **search:** crash when not content, fixed [#68 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/68 ) ([9d3cc89](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/9d3cc89))
* **search:** not work in mobile ([3941304](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/3941304))
< a name = "2.2.0" > < / a >
# [2.2.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v2.1.0...v2.2.0) (2017-02-09)
### Features
* **plugins:** add Google Analytics plugin ([#66](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/66)) ([ac61bb0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/ac61bb0))
< a name = "2.1.0" > < / a >
# [2.1.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v2.0.3...v2.1.0) (2017-02-09)
### Bug Fixes
* render name ([12e2479](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/12e2479))
* **vue.css:** update sidebar style ([fc140ef](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/fc140ef))
### Features
* add search, close [#43 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/43 ) ([eb5ff3e](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/eb5ff3e))
< a name = "2.0.3" > < / a >
## [2.0.3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v2.0.2...v2.0.3) (2017-02-07)
### Bug Fixes
* css var polyfill ([8cd386a](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/8cd386a))
* css var polyfill ([cbaee21](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/cbaee21))
* rendering emojis ([8c7e4d7](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/8c7e4d7))
< a name = "2.0.2" > < / a >
## [2.0.2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v2.0.1...v2.0.2) (2017-02-05)
### Bug Fixes
* button style in cover page ([4470855](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/4470855))
< a name = "2.0.1" > < / a >
## [2.0.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v2.0.0...v2.0.1) (2017-02-05)
< a name = "2.0.0" > < / a >
# [2.0.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.10.5...v2.0.0) (2017-02-05)
### Features
* customize the theme color ([5cc9f05](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/5cc9f05))
< a name = "1.10.5" > < / a >
## [1.10.5](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.10.4...v1.10.5) (2017-01-28)
< a name = "1.10.4" > < / a >
## [1.10.4](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.10.3...v1.10.4) (2017-01-27)
< a name = "1.10.3" > < / a >
## [1.10.3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.10.2...v1.10.3) (2017-01-27)
< a name = "1.10.2" > < / a >
## [1.10.2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.10.1...v1.10.2) (2017-01-25)
< a name = "1.10.1" > < / a >
## [1.10.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.10.0...v1.10.1) (2017-01-25)
< a name = "1.10.0" > < / a >
# [1.10.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.9.0...v1.10.0) (2017-01-25)
< a name = "1.9.0" > < / a >
# [1.9.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.8.0...v1.9.0) (2017-01-24)
< a name = "1.8.0" > < / a >
# [1.8.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.7.4...v1.8.0) (2017-01-24)
< a name = "1.7.4" > < / a >
## [1.7.4](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.7.3...v1.7.4) (2017-01-13)
< a name = "1.7.3" > < / a >
## [1.7.3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.7.2...v1.7.3) (2017-01-13)
< a name = "1.7.2" > < / a >
## [1.7.2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.7.1...v1.7.2) (2017-01-12)
< a name = "1.7.1" > < / a >
## [1.7.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.7.0...v1.7.1) (2017-01-12)
< a name = "1.7.0" > < / a >
# [1.7.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.6.1...v1.7.0) (2017-01-12)
< a name = "1.6.1" > < / a >
## [1.6.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.6.0...v1.6.1) (2017-01-10)
< a name = "1.6.0" > < / a >
# [1.6.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.5.2...v1.6.0) (2017-01-10)
< a name = "1.5.2" > < / a >
## [1.5.2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.5.1...v1.5.2) (2017-01-10)
< a name = "1.5.1" > < / a >
## [1.5.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.5.0...v1.5.1) (2017-01-09)
< a name = "1.5.0" > < / a >
# [1.5.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.4.3...v1.5.0) (2017-01-04)
### Features
* Markdown parser is configurable, [#42 ](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/issues/42 ) ([8b1000a](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/commit/8b1000a))
< a name = "1.4.3" > < / a >
## [1.4.3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.4.2...v1.4.3) (2017-01-01)
< a name = "1.4.2" > < / a >
## [1.4.2](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.4.1...v1.4.2) (2016-12-31)
< a name = "1.4.1" > < / a >
## [1.4.1](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.4.0...v1.4.1) (2016-12-31)
< a name = "1.4.0" > < / a >
# [1.4.0](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.3.5...v1.4.0) (2016-12-31)
< a name = "1.3.5" > < / a >
## [1.3.5](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.3.4...v1.3.5) (2016-12-25)
< a name = "1.3.4" > < / a >
## [1.3.4](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.3.3...v1.3.4) (2016-12-25)
< a name = "1.3.3" > < / a >
## [1.3.3](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/compare/v1.3.2...v1.3.3) (2016-12-23)
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