################################################################################ # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ################################################################################ import argparse import getpass import glob import os import platform import signal import socket import sys from collections import namedtuple from string import Template from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from pyflink.find_flink_home import _find_flink_home, _find_flink_source_root KEY_ENV_LOG_DIR = "env.log.dir" KEY_ENV_YARN_CONF_DIR = "env.yarn.conf.dir" KEY_ENV_HADOOP_CONF_DIR = "env.hadoop.conf.dir" KEY_ENV_HBASE_CONF_DIR = "env.hbase.conf.dir" KEY_ENV_JAVA_HOME = "env.java.home" KEY_ENV_JAVA_OPTS = "env.java.opts.all" KEY_ENV_JAVA_OPTS_DEPRECATED = "env.java.opts" KEY_ENV_JAVA_DEFAULT_OPTS = "env.java.default-opts.all" def on_windows(): return platform.system() == "Windows" def read_from_config(key, default_value, flink_conf_directory): from ruamel.yaml import YAML yaml = YAML(typ='safe') config_file = os.path.join(flink_conf_directory, "config.yaml") if os.path.isfile(config_file): # If config.yaml exists, use YAML parser to read the value with open(os.path.realpath(config_file), "r") as f: config = yaml.load(f) flat_config = flatten_config(config) return flat_config.get(key, default_value) return default_value def flatten_config(config, parent_key=''): items = [] sep = '.' for k, v in config.items(): new_key = f"{parent_key}{sep}{k}" if parent_key else k if isinstance(v, dict): items.extend(flatten_config(v, new_key).items()) else: items.append((new_key, v)) return dict(items) def find_java_executable(): java_executable = "java.exe" if on_windows() else "java" flink_home = _find_flink_home() flink_conf_directory = os.path.join(flink_home, "conf") java_home = read_from_config(KEY_ENV_JAVA_HOME, None, flink_conf_directory) if java_home is None and "JAVA_HOME" in os.environ: java_home = os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] if java_home is not None: java_executable = os.path.join(java_home, "bin", java_executable) return java_executable def prepare_environment_variables(env): flink_home = _find_flink_home() # get the realpath of tainted path value to avoid CWE22 problem that constructs a path or URI # using the tainted value and might allow an attacker to access, modify, or test the existence # of critical or sensitive files. real_flink_home = os.path.realpath(flink_home) if 'FLINK_CONF_DIR' in env: flink_conf_directory = os.path.realpath(env['FLINK_CONF_DIR']) else: flink_conf_directory = os.path.join(real_flink_home, "conf") env['FLINK_CONF_DIR'] = flink_conf_directory if 'FLINK_LIB_DIR' in env: flink_lib_directory = os.path.realpath(env['FLINK_LIB_DIR']) else: flink_lib_directory = os.path.join(real_flink_home, "lib") env['FLINK_LIB_DIR'] = flink_lib_directory if 'FLINK_OPT_DIR' in env: flink_opt_directory = os.path.realpath(env['FLINK_OPT_DIR']) else: flink_opt_directory = os.path.join(real_flink_home, "opt") env['FLINK_OPT_DIR'] = flink_opt_directory if 'FLINK_PLUGINS_DIR' in env: flink_plugins_directory = os.path.realpath(env['FLINK_PLUGINS_DIR']) else: flink_plugins_directory = os.path.join(real_flink_home, "plugins") env['FLINK_PLUGINS_DIR'] = flink_plugins_directory env["FLINK_BIN_DIR"] = os.path.join(real_flink_home, "bin") def construct_log_settings(env): templates = [ "-Dlog.file=${flink_log_dir}/flink-${flink_ident_string}-python-${hostname}.log", "-Dlog4j.configuration=${log4j_properties}", "-Dlog4j.configurationFile=${log4j_properties}", "-Dlogback.configurationFile=${logback_xml}" ] flink_home = os.path.realpath(_find_flink_home()) flink_conf_dir = env['FLINK_CONF_DIR'] if "FLINK_LOG_DIR" in env: flink_log_dir = env["FLINK_LOG_DIR"] else: flink_log_dir = read_from_config( KEY_ENV_LOG_DIR, os.path.join(flink_home, "log"), env['FLINK_CONF_DIR']) if "LOG4J_PROPERTIES" in env: log4j_properties = env["LOG4J_PROPERTIES"] else: log4j_properties = "%s/log4j-cli.properties" % flink_conf_dir if "LOGBACK_XML" in env: logback_xml = env["LOGBACK_XML"] else: logback_xml = "%s/logback.xml" % flink_conf_dir if "FLINK_IDENT_STRING" in env: flink_ident_string = env["FLINK_IDENT_STRING"] else: flink_ident_string = getpass.getuser() hostname = socket.gethostname() log_settings = [] for template in templates: log_settings.append(Template(template).substitute( log4j_properties=log4j_properties, logback_xml=logback_xml, flink_log_dir=flink_log_dir, flink_ident_string=flink_ident_string, hostname=hostname)) return log_settings def get_jvm_opts(env): jvm_opts = env.get("FLINK_ENV_JAVA_OPTS") if jvm_opts is None: default_jvm_opts = read_from_config(KEY_ENV_JAVA_DEFAULT_OPTS, "", env['FLINK_CONF_DIR']) extra_jvm_opts = read_from_config( KEY_ENV_JAVA_OPTS, read_from_config(KEY_ENV_JAVA_OPTS_DEPRECATED, "", env['FLINK_CONF_DIR']), env['FLINK_CONF_DIR']) jvm_opts = default_jvm_opts + " " + extra_jvm_opts # Remove leading and trailing double quotes (if present) of value jvm_opts = jvm_opts.strip('"') return jvm_opts.split() def construct_flink_classpath(env): flink_home = _find_flink_home() flink_lib_directory = env['FLINK_LIB_DIR'] flink_opt_directory = env['FLINK_OPT_DIR'] if on_windows(): # The command length is limited on Windows. To avoid the problem we should shorten the # command length as much as possible. lib_jars = os.path.join(flink_lib_directory, "*") else: lib_jars = os.pathsep.join(glob.glob(os.path.join(flink_lib_directory, "*.jar"))) flink_python_jars = glob.glob(os.path.join(flink_opt_directory, "flink-python*.jar")) if len(flink_python_jars) < 1: print("The flink-python jar is not found in the opt folder of the FLINK_HOME: %s" % flink_home) return lib_jars flink_python_jar = flink_python_jars[0] return os.pathsep.join([lib_jars, flink_python_jar]) def construct_hadoop_classpath(env): hadoop_conf_dir = "" if 'HADOOP_CONF_DIR' not in env and 'HADOOP_CLASSPATH' not in env: if os.path.isdir("/etc/hadoop/conf"): print("Setting HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf because no HADOOP_CONF_DIR or" "HADOOP_CLASSPATH was set.") hadoop_conf_dir = "/etc/hadoop/conf" hbase_conf_dir = "" if 'HBASE_CONF_DIR' not in env: if os.path.isdir("/etc/hbase/conf"): print("Setting HBASE_CONF_DIR=/etc/hbase/conf because no HBASE_CONF_DIR was set.") hbase_conf_dir = "/etc/hbase/conf" return os.pathsep.join( [env.get("HADOOP_CLASSPATH", ""), env.get("YARN_CONF_DIR", read_from_config(KEY_ENV_YARN_CONF_DIR, "", env['FLINK_CONF_DIR'])), env.get("HADOOP_CONF_DIR", read_from_config(KEY_ENV_HADOOP_CONF_DIR, hadoop_conf_dir, env['FLINK_CONF_DIR'])), env.get("HBASE_CONF_DIR", read_from_config(KEY_ENV_HBASE_CONF_DIR, hbase_conf_dir, env['FLINK_CONF_DIR']))]) def construct_test_classpath(env): test_jar_patterns = [ "flink-python/target/test-dependencies/*", "flink-python/target/artifacts/testDataStream.jar", "flink-python/target/flink-python*-tests.jar", ] test_jars = [] # Connector tests need to add specific jars to the gateway classpath if 'FLINK_TEST_LIBS' in env: test_jars += glob.glob(env['FLINK_TEST_LIBS']) else: flink_source_root = _find_flink_source_root() for pattern in test_jar_patterns: pattern = pattern.replace("/", os.path.sep) test_jars += glob.glob(os.path.join(flink_source_root, pattern)) return os.path.pathsep.join(test_jars) def construct_program_args(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-c", "--class", required=True) parser.add_argument("cluster_type", choices=["local", "remote", "yarn"]) parse_result, other_args = parser.parse_known_args(args) main_class = getattr(parse_result, "class") cluster_type = parse_result.cluster_type return namedtuple( "ProgramArgs", ["main_class", "cluster_type", "other_args"])( main_class, cluster_type, other_args) def launch_gateway_server_process(env, args): prepare_environment_variables(env) program_args = construct_program_args(args) if program_args.cluster_type == "local": java_executable = find_java_executable() log_settings = construct_log_settings(env) jvm_args = env.get('JVM_ARGS', '').split() jvm_opts = get_jvm_opts(env) classpath = os.pathsep.join( [construct_flink_classpath(env), construct_hadoop_classpath(env)]) if "FLINK_TESTING" in env: classpath = os.pathsep.join([classpath, construct_test_classpath(env)]) command = [ java_executable, *jvm_args, "-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions", "--add-opens=jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2=ALL-UNNAMED", *jvm_opts, *log_settings, "-cp", classpath, program_args.main_class, *program_args.other_args, ] else: command = [ os.path.join(env["FLINK_BIN_DIR"], "flink"), "run", *program_args.other_args, "-c", program_args.main_class, ] preexec_fn = None if not on_windows(): def preexec_func(): # ignore ctrl-c / SIGINT signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) preexec_fn = preexec_func return Popen(list(filter(lambda c: len(c) != 0, command)), stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, env=env) if __name__ == "__main__": launch_gateway_server_process(os.environ, sys.argv[1:])