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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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Entry point classes of Flink DataStream API:
- :class:`StreamExecutionEnvironment`:
The context in which a streaming program is executed.
- :class:`DataStream`:
Represents a stream of elements of the same type. A DataStream can be transformed
into another DataStream by applying a transformation.
- :class:`KeyedStream`:
Represents a :class:`DataStream` where elements are partitioned by key using a
provided KeySelector.
- :class:`WindowedStream`:
Represents a data stream where elements are grouped by key, and for each
key, the stream of elements is split into windows based on a WindowAssigner. Window emission
is triggered based on a Trigger.
- :class:`ConnectedStreams`:
Represent two connected streams of (possibly) different data types. Connected
streams are useful for cases where operations on one stream directly affect the operations on
the other stream, usually via shared state between the streams.
- :class:`BroadcastStream`:
Represent a stream with :class:`state.BroadcastState` (s).
- :class:`BroadcastConnectedStream`:
Represents the result of connecting a keyed or non-keyed stream, with a
:class:`BroadcastStream` with :class:`state.BroadcastState` (s)
Functions used to transform a :class:`DataStream` into another :class:`DataStream`:
- :class:`MapFunction`:
Performs a map transformation of a :class:`DataStream` at element wise.
- :class:`CoMapFunction`:
Performs a map transformation over two connected streams.
- :class:`FlatMapFunction`:
Performs a flatmap transformation of a :class:`DataStream` which produces zero, one, or more
elements for each input element.
- :class:`CoFlatMapFunction`:
Performs a flatmap transformation over two connected streams.
- :class:`FilterFunction`:
A filter function is a predicate applied individually to each record.
- :class:`ReduceFunction`:
Combines groups of elements to a single value.
- :class:`ProcessFunction`:
Similar to :class:`FlatMapFunction`, except that it could access the current timestamp and
watermark in :class:`ProcessFunction`.
- :class:`KeyedProcessFunction`:
Similar to :class:`ProcessFunction`, except that it was applied to a :class:`KeyedStream` and
could register event-time and processing-time timers.
- :class:`CoProcessFunction`:
Similar to :class:`CoFlatMapFunction`, except that it could access the current timestamp and
watermark in :class:`CoProcessFunction`.
- :class:`KeyedCoProcessFunction`:
Similar to :class:`CoProcessFunction`, except that it was applied to a keyed
:class:`ConnectedStreams` and could register event-time and processing-time timers.
- :class:`WindowFunction`:
Base interface for functions that are evaluated over keyed (grouped) windows.
- :class:`ProcessWindowFunction`:
Similar to :class:`WindowFunction`, except that it could access a context for retrieving extra
information such as the current timestamp, the watermark, etc.
- :class:`AggregateFunction`:
Base class for a user-defined aggregate function.
- :class:`BroadcastProcessFunction`:
A function to be applied to a :class:`BroadcastConnectedStream` that connects
:class:`BroadcastStream`, i.e. a stream with broadcast state, with a non-keyed
- :class:`KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction`:
A function to be applied to a :class:`BroadcastConnectedStream` that connects
:class:`BroadcastStream`, i.e. a stream with broadcast state, with a :class:`KeyedStream`.
- :class:`RuntimeContext`:
Contains information about the context in which functions are executed. Each
parallel instance of the function will have a context through which it can access static
contextual information (such as the current parallelism), etc.
Classes to define window:
- :class:`Window`:
A grouping of elements into finite buckets.
- :class:`TimeWindow`:
A grouping of elements according to a time interval from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive).
- :class:`CountWindow`:
A grouping of elements according to element count from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive).
- :class:`GlobalWindow`:
The window into which all data is placed.
- :class:`WindowAssigner`:
Assigns zero or more :class:`Window` to an element.
- :class:`MergingWindowAssigner`:
A :class:`WindowAssigner` that can merge windows.
- :class:`TriggerResult`:
Result type for trigger methods. This determines what happens with the window, for example
whether the window function should be called, or the window should be discarded.
- :class:`Trigger`:
Determines when a pane of a window should be evaluated to emit the results for that
part of the window.
Classes to define the behavior of checkpoint and state backend:
- :class:`CheckpointingMode`:
Defines what consistency guarantees the system gives in the presence of failures.
- :class:`CheckpointConfig`:
Configuration that captures all checkpointing related settings.
- :class:`StateBackend`:
Base class of the state backends which define how the state of a streaming application is
stored locally within the cluster. Different state backends store their state in different
fashions, and use different data structures to hold the state of a running application.
- :class:`HashMapStateBackend`:
Holds the working state in the memory (JVM heap) of the TaskManagers and
checkpoints based on the configured :class:`CheckpointStorage`.
- :class:`EmbeddedRocksDBStateBackend`:
Stores its state in an embedded `RocksDB` instance. This state backend can store very large
state that exceeds memory and spills to local disk.
- :class:`CustomStateBackend`:
A wrapper of customized java state backend.
- :class:`JobManagerCheckpointStorage`:
Checkpoints state directly to the JobManager's memory (hence the name), but savepoints will
be persisted to a file system.
- :class:`FileSystemCheckpointStorage`:
Checkpoints state as files to a file system. Each checkpoint individually will store all its
files in a subdirectory that includes the checkpoint number, such as
- :class:`CustomCheckpointStorage`:
A wrapper of customized java checkpoint storage.
Classes for state operations:
- :class:`state.ValueState`:
Interface for partitioned single-value state. The value can be retrieved or updated.
- :class:`state.ListState`:
Interface for partitioned list state in Operations. The state is accessed and modified by
user functions, and checkpointed consistently by the system as part of the distributed
- :class:`state.MapState`:
Interface for partitioned key-value state. The key-value pair can be added, updated and
- :class:`state.ReducingState`:
Interface for reducing state. Elements can be added to the state, they will be combined using
a :class:`ReduceFunction`. The current state can be inspected.
- :class:`state.AggregatingState`:
Interface for aggregating state, based on an :class:`AggregateFunction`. Elements that are
added to this type of state will be eagerly pre-aggregated using a given AggregateFunction.
- :class:`state.BroadcastState`:
A type of state that can be created to store the state of a :class:`BroadcastStream`. This
state assumes that the same elements are sent to all instances of an operator.
- :class:`state.ReadOnlyBroadcastState`:
A read-only view of the :class:`state.BroadcastState`.
- :class:`state.StateTtlConfig`:
Configuration of state TTL logic.
Classes to define source & sink:
- :class:`connectors.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchSink`:
A sink for publishing data into Elasticsearch 6 or Elasticsearch 7.
- :class:`connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaConsumer`:
A streaming data source that pulls a parallel data stream from Apache Kafka.
- :class:`connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaProducer`:
A streaming data sink to produce data into a Kafka topic.
- :class:`connectors.kafka.KafkaSource`:
The new API to read data in parallel from Apache Kafka.
- :class:`connectors.kafka.KafkaSink`:
The new API to write data into to Apache Kafka topics.
- :class:`connectors.file_system.FileSource`:
A unified data source that reads files - both in batch and in streaming mode.
This source supports all (distributed) file systems and object stores that can be accessed via
the Flink's FileSystem class.
- :class:`connectors.file_system.FileSink`:
A unified sink that emits its input elements to FileSystem files within buckets. This
sink achieves exactly-once semantics for both BATCH and STREAMING.
- :class:`connectors.file_system.StreamingFileSink`:
Sink that emits its input elements to files within buckets. This is integrated with the
checkpointing mechanism to provide exactly once semantics.
- :class:`connectors.number_seq.NumberSequenceSource`:
A data source that produces a sequence of numbers (longs). This source is useful for testing
and for cases that just need a stream of N events of any kind.
- :class:`connectors.jdbc.JdbcSink`:
A data sink to produce data into an external storage using JDBC.
- :class:`connectors.pulsar.PulsarSource`:
A streaming data source that pulls a parallel data stream from Pulsar.
- :class:`connectors.pulsar.PulsarSink`:
A streaming data sink to produce data into Pulsar.
- :class:`connectors.rabbitmq.RMQSource`:
A streaming data source that pulls a parallel data stream from RabbitMQ.
- :class:`connectors.rabbitmq.RMQSink`:
A Sink for publishing data into RabbitMQ.
- :class:`connectors.cassandra.CassandraSink`:
A Sink for publishing data into Cassandra.
- :class:`connectors.kinesis.FlinkKinesisConsumer`:
A streaming data source that pulls a parallel data stream from Kinesis.
- :class:`connectors.kinesis.KinesisStreamsSink`:
A Kinesis Data Streams (KDS) Sink that performs async requests against a destination stream
using the buffering protocol.
- :class:`connectors.kinesis.KinesisFirehoseSink`:
A Kinesis Data Firehose (KDF) Sink that performs async requests against a destination delivery
stream using the buffering protocol.
- :class:`connectors.hybrid_source.HybridSource`:
A Hybrid source that switches underlying sources based on configured source chain.
Classes to define formats used together with source & sink:
- :class:`formats.csv.CsvReaderFormat`:
A :class:`~connectors.file_system.StreamFormat` to read CSV files into Row data.
- :class:`formats.csv.CsvBulkWriter`:
Creates :class:`~pyflink.common.serialization.BulkWriterFactory` to write Row data into CSV
- :class:`formats.avro.GenericRecordAvroTypeInfo`:
A :class:`~pyflink.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation` to indicate vanilla Python records will be
translated to GenericRecordAvroTypeInfo on the Java side.
- :class:`formats.avro.AvroInputFormat`:
An InputFormat to read avro files in a streaming fashion.
- :class:`formats.avro.AvroWriters`:
A class to provide :class:`~pyflink.common.serialization.BulkWriterFactory` to write vanilla
Python objects into avro files in a batch fashion.
- :class:`formats.parquet.ParquetColumnarRowInputFormat`:
A :class:`~connectors.file_system.BulkFormat` to read columnar parquet files into Row data in
a batch-processing fashion.
- :class:`formats.parquet.ParquetBulkWriters`:
Convenient builder to create a :class:`~pyflink.common.serialization.BulkWriterFactory` that
writes Rows with a defined RowType into Parquet files in a batch fashion.
- :class:`formats.parquet.AvroParquetReaders`:
A convenience builder to create reader format that reads individual Avro records from a
Parquet stream. Only GenericRecord is supported in PyFlink.
- :class:`formats.parquet.AvroParquetWriters`:
Convenience builder to create ParquetWriterFactory instances for Avro types. Only
GenericRecord is supported in PyFlink.
- :class:`formats.orc.OrcBulkWriters`:
Convenient builder to create a :class:`~pyflink.common.serialization.BulkWriterFactory` that
writes Row records with a defined :class:`RowType` into Orc files.
Other important classes:
- :class:`TimeDomain`:
Specifies whether a firing timer is based on event time or processing time.
- :class:`KeySelector`:
The extractor takes an object and returns the deterministic key for that object.
- :class:`Partitioner`:
Function to implement a custom partition assignment for keys.
- :class:`SinkFunction`:
Interface for implementing user defined sink functionality.
- :class:`SourceFunction`:
Interface for implementing user defined source functionality.
- :class:`OutputTag`:
Tag with a name and type for identifying side output of an operator
from pyflink.datastream.checkpoint_config import CheckpointConfig
from pyflink.datastream.externalized_checkpoint_retention import ExternalizedCheckpointRetention
from pyflink.datastream.checkpointing_mode import CheckpointingMode
from pyflink.datastream.data_stream import DataStream, KeyedStream, WindowedStream, \
ConnectedStreams, DataStreamSink, BroadcastStream, BroadcastConnectedStream
from pyflink.datastream.execution_mode import RuntimeExecutionMode
from pyflink.datastream.functions import (MapFunction, CoMapFunction, FlatMapFunction,
CoFlatMapFunction, ReduceFunction, RuntimeContext,
KeySelector, FilterFunction, Partitioner, SourceFunction,
SinkFunction, CoProcessFunction, KeyedProcessFunction,
KeyedCoProcessFunction, AggregateFunction, WindowFunction,
ProcessWindowFunction, BroadcastProcessFunction,
from pyflink.datastream.slot_sharing_group import SlotSharingGroup, MemorySize
from pyflink.datastream.state_backend import (StateBackend, CustomStateBackend,
PredefinedOptions, HashMapStateBackend,
from pyflink.datastream.checkpoint_storage import (CheckpointStorage, JobManagerCheckpointStorage,
from pyflink.datastream.stream_execution_environment import StreamExecutionEnvironment
from pyflink.datastream.time_domain import TimeDomain
from pyflink.datastream.functions import ProcessFunction
from pyflink.datastream.timerservice import TimerService
from pyflink.datastream.window import Window, TimeWindow, CountWindow, WindowAssigner, \
MergingWindowAssigner, TriggerResult, Trigger, GlobalWindow
from pyflink.datastream.output_tag import OutputTag
__all__ = [