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Contributing to Matterwiki

Thank you for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍

Basic guidelines for contributing

  • Start off by forking this repository.
  • Create a branch to start your work git checkout -b your-feature-name
  • Commit your work
  • Create a pull request

Local dev setup

  • Once you've forked this repo and cloned your fork, you would have to run npm install.
  • The development server can then be started with npm run dev which serves the JS files, assets and of course, index.html. The default localhost URL is http://localhost:5000.

The code

  • The api/ directory contains code for the node backend. Look at the API guide for more information.
  • The client/ directory contains the React jsx files and basically all the frontend code powering this app.
  • The models/ directory has the bookshelf models associated with the SQLite DB.
  • For the production version, run npm start.


  • The dev setup has webpack's Hot Module Replacement (HMR) enabled, which (according to the docs),

    exchanges, adds, or removes modules while an application is running without a page reload.

    This helps improve speedup dev time significantly.

  • We've got sourcemaps enabled, so that makes debugging really easy.