docs: add change log for 2.2.0 (#3640)

Benjy Cui 8 years ago committed by 偏右
parent 3add760d42
commit 0a962b19ad

@ -9,6 +9,48 @@ If you want to read change logs before `2.0.0`, please visit [GitHub](https://gi
## 2.2.0
* Supports TypeScript@2.0. [@AlbertZheng]( [#3358](
* Not rely on specific version of React now. [#3627](
* Alert supports `className` `style`.
* DatePicker & MonthPicker & RangePicker allow developers to set whether to show the clear button. [#3618](
* Form.Item can generate `validateStatus` & `help` for nested form control automatically. [#3212](
* RangePicker can set some hours or minutes or seconds to be not selectable. [#](
* Switch
* The width of Switch will resize automatically, according to `checkedChildren/unCheckedChildren`. [#3380](
* Improve the switch animation.
* Upload can [customized request]( now. [@edgji](
* Icon
* New icons `bulb` `select` `like-o` `dislike-o`.
* Adjust existing icons `loading` `like` `dislike`.
* Improve the TypeScript definition of Card & DatePicker & Icon & Table. [@infeng]( [3468]( [#3603]( [#3531](
* Fix Cascader `defaultValue` should work. [#3470](
* Fix the alignment of Button & Input & DatePicker & Select. [#3481](
* DatePicker
* Fix wrong timing of triggering `onChange` while `DatePicker[showTime]` is set. [#3523](
* Fix `Dropdown.Button[disabled]` doesn't works for behaviour. [#3535](
* Menu
* Fix errors in SSR, thanks to [@xpcode]( to find the solution. [#2061]( [#2406]( [#3293](
* Fix children don't support `null`. [#3599](
* Fix loading status animation for message.[#3536](
* Form
* Fix style issue while using `Form[inline]` and `Input[addonBefore|addonAfter]` together. [#3524](
* Fix style issue for Radio.Button in Form.Item.
* Fix style issue for search button in Form.Item. [#3630](
* Fix Form.Item should not treat no user input as validate success. [#3613](
* Should not limit the min width of Popover while `Popover[title]` is not set.
* Table
* Fix style of fixed header of Table while `dataSource` is empty.[#3567](
* Fix Table will overlap SubMenu while `dataSource` is empty. [#3521](
* Tabs
* Height of header of `Tabs[type="card|editable-card"]` should follow design.
* Fix height of TabPane should follow height of its content. [#3304](
* Fix style of `TreeSelect[showSearch]`. [#3520](
## 2.1.0

@ -9,6 +9,48 @@ timeline: true
## 2.2.0
* 支持 TypeScript@2.0。[@AlbertZheng]( [#3358](
* 不再强依赖于 React 特定版本。[#3627](
* Alert 支持 `className` `style` 属性。
* DatePicker MonthPicker RangePicker 现在允许设置是否显示清除按钮。[#3618](
* Form.Item 现在可以感知深层嵌套的表单域,以自动为其生成错误信息和状态。[#3212](
* RangePicker 现在可以设置不可选的时间。[#](
* Switch
* 宽度现在会随着 `checkedChildren/unCheckedChildren` 自动调整。[#3380](
* 优化切换动画。
* Upload 现在可以 [自定义上传方式](。[@edgji](
* Icon
* 新增 `bulb` `select` `like-o` `dislike-o`
* 调整 `loading` `like` `dislike`
* 优化 Card DatePicker Icon Table 的 TypeScript 定义。[@infeng]( [3468]( [#3603]( [#3531](
* 修复 Cascader `defaultValue` 失效的问题。[#3470](
* 修复在一行内同时使用 Button Input DatePicker Select 时对齐的问题。[#3481](
* DatePicker
* 修复设置 `DatePicker[showTime]``onChange` 事件触发时机问题。[#3523](
* 修复 Dropdown.Button disabled 后仍然响应操作的问题。[#3535](
* Menu
* 修复服务端渲染问题,感谢 [@xpcode]( 定位问题。[#2061]( [#2406]( [#3293](
* 修复 children 不能为 `null` 的问题。[#3599](
* 修复 message 加载状态无动画的问题。[#3536](
* Form
* 修复 `Form[inline]``Input[addonBefore|addonAfter]` 一起使用时的样式问题。[#3524](
* 修复 Form.Item 内 Radio.Button 样式问题。
* 修复 Form.Item 内搜索按钮的样式问题。[#3630](
* 修复用户无输入时 Form.Item 识别为校验成功的问题。[#3613](
* 当 `Popover[title]` 没有设置时,不再限制 Popover 的最小宽度。
* Table
* 修复固定表头在没有数据情况下的样式问题。[#3567](
* 修复无数据时会覆盖 SubMenu 的问题。[#3521](
* Tabs
* 修复卡片叶签头部高度与设计稿不一致的问题。
* 修复 TabPane 的高度会被同级 TabPane 撑高的问题。[#3304](
* 修复 `TreeSelect[showSearch]` 样式问题。[#3520](
## 2.1.0
