@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ A Selector similar to Select2.
| onSearch | Callback function that is fired when input changed. | function(value: string) | |
| onSearch | Callback function that is fired when input changed. | function(value: string) | |
| onBlur | Called when blur | function | - |
| onBlur | Called when blur | function | - |
| onFocus | Called when focus | function | - |
| onFocus | Called when focus | function | - |
| placeholder | Placeholder of select | string | - |
| placeholder | Placeholder of select | string\|ReactNode | - |
| notFoundContent | Specify content to show when no result matches..| string | 'Not Found' |
| notFoundContent | Specify content to show when no result matches..| string | 'Not Found' |
| dropdownMatchSelectWidth | Whether dropdown's with is same with select. | boolean | true |
| dropdownMatchSelectWidth | Whether dropdown's with is same with select. | boolean | true |
| optionFilterProp | Which prop value of option will be used for filter if filterOption is true | string | value |
| optionFilterProp | Which prop value of option will be used for filter if filterOption is true | string | value |