@ -181,26 +181,6 @@ const RoutesPlugin = (api: IApi) => {
// exclude dynamic route path, to avoid deploy failed by `:id` directory
.filter((f) => !f.path.includes(':'))
.map((file) => {
let globalStyles = '';
// Debug for file content: uncomment this if need check raw out
// const tmpFileName = `_${file.path.replace(/\//g, '-')}`;
// const tmpFilePath = path.join(api.paths.absOutputPath, tmpFileName);
// fs.writeFileSync(tmpFilePath, file.content, 'utf8');
// extract all emotion style tags from body
file.content = file.content.replace(
/<style (data-emotion|data-sandpack)[\S\s]+?<\/style>/g,
(s) => {
globalStyles += s;
return '';
// insert emotion style tags to head
file.content = file.content.replace('</head>', `${globalStyles}</head>`);
// 1. 提取 antd-style 样式
const styles = extractEmotionStyle(file.content);
@ -217,30 +197,6 @@ const RoutesPlugin = (api: IApi) => {
file.content = addLinkStyle(file.content, cssFile);
// Insert antd style to head
const matchRegex = /<style data-type="antd-cssinjs">([\S\s]+?)<\/style>/;
const matchList = file.content.match(matchRegex) || [];
// Init to order the `@layer`
let antdStyle = '@layer global, antd;';
matchList.forEach((text) => {
file.content = file.content.replace(text, '');
antdStyle += text.replace(matchRegex, '$1');
const cssFile = writeCSSFile('antd', antdStyle, antdStyle);
file.content = addLinkStyle(file.content, cssFile, true);
// Insert antd cssVar to head
const cssVarMatchRegex = /<style data-type="antd-css-var"[\S\s]+?<\/style>/;
const cssVarMatchList = file.content.match(cssVarMatchRegex) || [];
cssVarMatchList.forEach((text) => {
file.content = file.content.replace(text, '');
file.content = file.content.replace('<head>', `<head>${text}`);
return file;