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Components Data Display Tree

When To Use

Directory, organization, biological classification, country, and etc. Almost things of the world are tree structure. The Tree component is a way of representing the hierarchical relationship of these thingsand you also can expand, collapse, select the treeNodes of it.


Tree props

Property Description Type Default
multiple Whether allow to select multiple treeNodes bool false
checkable Whether support add Checkbox before treeNode bool false
defaultExpandAll Whether default to expand all treeNodes bool false
defaultExpandedKeys Specify keys of default expanded treeNodes String[] []
expandedKeys (controlled) Specifies keys of expanded treeNodes String[] []
autoExpandParent Whether to automatically expand a parent treeNode bool true
defaultCheckedKeys Specifies keys of default checked treeNodes String[] []
checkedKeys (controlled) Specifies keys of checked treeNodesPS When specifies a key of treeNode which is a parent treeNode, all children treeNodes of its will be checked; And vice versa, when specifies a key of treeNode which is a child treeNode, its parent treeNode will also be checked. When checkable and checkStrictly is true, it'a object has checked and halfChecked property, and no matter child treeNode or parent treeNode is checked, they won't impact on eachother. String[]/{checked:Array,halfChecked:Array} []
checkStrictly Check treeNode precisely, parent treeNode and children treeNodes are not associated bool false
defaultSelectedKeys Specifies keys of default selected treeNodes String[] []
selectedKeys (controlled) Specifies keys of selected treeNode String[] -
onExpand Defines a function will be called when expand or collapse a treeNode function(expandedKeys, {expanded: bool, node}) -
onCheck Defines a function will be called when the onCheck event occurs function(checkedKeys, e:{checked: bool, checkedNodes, node, event}) -
onSelect The callback will be invoked when the user clicks a treeNode function(selectedKeys, e:{selected: bool, selectedNodes, node, event}) -
filterTreeNode Defines a function to filter treeNodeshighlightwhen return true, corresponding treeNode will be highlight function(node) -
loadData load data asynchronously function(node) -
onRightClick The call back will be invoked when the user right clicks a treeNode function({event,node}) -
draggable Specifies whether this Tree is draggableIE>8 bool false
onDragStart Defines a function will be called when the onDragStart event occurs function({event,node}) -
onDragEnter Defines a function will be called when the onDragEnter event occurs function({event,node,expandedKeys}) -
onDragOver Defines a function will be called when the onDragOver event occurs function({event,node}) -
onDragLeave Defines a function will be called when the onDragLeave event occurs function({event,node}) -
onDragEnd Defines a function will be called when the onDragEnd event occurs function({event,node}) -
onDrop Defines a function will be called when the onDrop event occurs function({event, node, dragNode, dragNodesKeys}) -

TreeNode props

Property Description Type Default
disabled whether disabled the treeNode bool false
disableCheckbox whether disable the checkbox of treeNode bool false
title title String/element '---'
key it's used with (default)ExpandedKeys / (default)CheckedKeys / (default)SelectedKeys. P.S.: it must be unique in all of treeNodes of the tree! String internal calculated position of treeNode
isLeaf whether it's leaf node bool false


The number of treeNodes can be very large, but when enable checkable, it will spend more computing time, so we cached some calculations(e.g. this.treeNodesStates), to avoid double computing. But, this bring some restrictions, when you async load treeNodes, you should render tree like this {this.state.treeData.length ? <Tree ...>{ => <TreeNode ... />)}</Tree> : 'loading tree'}