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Components Layout 1 Layout

When you are handling the overall layout of a page, this component might be helpfull.


  • Layout: The layout wrapper, in which Header Sider Content Footer or Layout itself can be nested, and can be placed in any parent container.
  • Header: The top layout with default style, in which any element can be nested, and must be placed in Layout.
  • Sider: The sidebar with default style and basic functions, in which any element can be nested, and must be placed in Layout.
  • Content: The content layout with default style, in which any element can be nested, and must be placed in Layout.
  • Footer: The bottom layout with default style, in which any element can be nested, and must be placed in Layout.

Base on flex layout, please pay attention to the compatibility.


    <Sider>left sidebar</Sider>
    <Content>main content</Content>
    <Sider>right sidebar</Sider>


The wrapper.

Property Description Type Default
style to custom the styles object -
className container className string -

API of Layout.Header Layout.Footer Layout.Content is the same with Layout.


The sidebar.

Property Description Type Default
collapsible whether can be collapsed boolean false
defaultCollapsed to set the initial status boolean false
collapsed to set the current status boolean -
onCollapse the callback function, can be executed by clicking the trigger or activating the responsive layout (collapsed, type) => {} -
trigger specify the customized trigger, set to null to hide the trigger string|ReactNode -
width width of the sidebar number|string 200
collapsedWidth width of the collapsed sidebar, by setting to 0 a special trigger will appear number 64
breakpoint breakpoint of the responsive layout Enum { 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl' } -
style to custom the styles object -
className container className string -

Note: If you want to wrap the Sider, do not forget to add this setting to the customized component: __ANT_LAYOUT_SIDER = true. e.g.

const CustomizedSider = (props) => <Sider {...props} />
CustomizedSider.__ANT_LAYOUT_SIDER = true;
<CustomizedSider>Sider Content</CustomizedSider>