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Components Navigation Pagination

A long list can be divided into several pages by Pagination, and only one page will be loaded at a time.

When to use

  • When it will take a long time to load/render all items.
  • If you want to browse the data by switching in the pages.


<Pagination onChange={onChange} total={50} />
Property Description Type Default
current current page number Number -
defaultCurrent default current page number Number 1
total total number of data Number 0
defaultPageSize default number of data per page Number 10
pageSize number of data per page Number -
onChange a callback function, can be executed when the page number is changing, and it takes the resulting page number as an argument Function noop
showSizeChanger determine whether pageSize can be changed Boolean false
pageSizeOptions specify the sizeChanger selections Array ['10', '20', '30', '40']
onShowSizeChange a callback function, can be executed when pageSize is changing Function noop
showQuickJumper determine whether you can jump to a page directly Boolean false
size specify the size of Pagination, can be set to small String ""
simple whether to use simple mode Object -
showTotal to custom the total number display Function -