category: Components
chinese: 提及
cols: 1
type: Views
english: Mention
Mention component。
## When To Use
When need to mention someone or something.
suggestions={['afc163', 'benjycui', 'yiminghe', 'jljsj33', 'dqaria', 'RaoHai']}
## API
### Mention API
| API | Description | Type |
| toString | convert EditorState to string | Function(editorState: EditorState): String |
| toEditorState | convert string to EditorState | Function(string: String): EditorState |
| getMentions | get mentioned people in current editorState | Function(editorState: EditorState): Array<String> |
### Mention props
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| suggestions | suggestion content | Array<string> or Array<Mention.Nav> | [] |
| suggestionStyle | style of suggestion container | Objet | {} |
| onSearchChange | Callback function called when search content changes | function(value:String) | [] |
| onChange | Callback function called when content of input changes | function(editorState: EditorState) | null |
| notFoundContent| suggestion when suggestions empty | string | '无匹配结果,轻敲空格完成输入' |
| loading | loading mode | boolean | false |
| multiLines | multilines mode | boolean | false |
| defaultValue | default value | EditorState, you can use `Mention.toEditorState` to convert text to `EditorState` | null |
| value | core state of mention | EditorState | null |
### Nav props
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| value | value of suggestion,the value will insert into input filed while selected | string | "" |
| children | suggestion content | Objet | {} |