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Components Navigation Tabs

Tabs make it easy to switch between different views.

When to use

Ant Design has 3 types Tabs for different situation.

  • Card Tabs: for managing too many closeable views.

  • Normall Tabs: for functional aspects of a page.

  • RadioButton: for secondary tabs.



Property Description Type Default
activeKey Current TabPane's key String _
defaultActiveKey Default actived tabPanel's key, if activeKey is not setted. -
onChange Callback when tab is switched Function -
onTabClick Callback when tab is clicked Function -
tabBarExtraContent Extra element in tab bar React Node -
type Basic style of tabs. Options: line, card & editable-card String line
size Tab bar size. Options: default, small String default
tabPosition Position of tabs. Options: top, right, bottom & left String top
onEdit Callback when tab is added or removed, which is executing when set type as editable-card Function(targetKey, action) -
hideAdd Hide plus icon or not, which is effective when set type as editable-card Boolean false


Property Description Type Default
key TabPane's key String _
tab Show text in TabPane's head React.Element or String _