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category type noinstant title
Components Feedback true Notification

To display a notification message globally.

When To Use

To display a notification message at the top right of the view port. Typically it can be used in the following cases:

  • A notification with complex content.
  • A notification providing a feedback based on the user interaction. Or it may show some details about upcoming steps the user may have to follow.
  • A notification that is pushed by the application.


  • notification.success(config)
  • notification.error(config)
  • notification.warning(config)
  • notification.warn(config)
  • notification.close(key: String)
  • notification.destroy()

The properties of config are as follows:

Property Description Type Default
message The title of notification box (required) React.Node -
description The content of notification box (required) React.Node -
btn Customized close button React.Node -
icon Customized icon React.Node _
key The unique identifier of current notification String -
onClose Specify a function that will be called after clicking the default close button Function -
duration A notification box is closed after 4.5s by default. When specifying duration to null or 0, it will never be closed automatically Number 4.5

-tification also provide a global config() method that can be used for specifying the default options. Once this method is used, all the notification boxes will take into account these globally defined options before displaying.

  • notification.config(options)
  top: 100,
  duration: 3,
Property Description Type Default
top Offset to top of message Number 24px
duration A duration to close notification automatically by default (unit: second) Number 4.5